Story Archive
- 17/05/2016: Oceanfalls
- 17/05/2016: ->
- 17/05/2016: LINK
- 17/05/2016: Nino: Climb tree and look around.
- 18/05/2016: Nino: Examine sparkly orb.
- 18/05/2016: Nino: Look and listen carefully before heading out.
- 18/05/2016: Nino: Call out confidently to the monster.
- 18/05/2016: Nino: Engage DIPLOMACY with the poor thing.
- 18/05/2016: Nino: Ask why it's crying.
- 19/05/2016: ->
- 19/05/2016: Nino: Inspect the LANTERN first, since it's just here in this spooky forest for no good reason.
- 19/05/2016: Nino: Give Five a reassuring smile before continuing onward.
- 20/05/2016: Nino: Take the right-hand path.
- 20/05/2016: Nino: Vent your rage on the crate and swear vengeance on this "K" person.
- 20/05/2016: Nino: Listen for the wolf-howl again. Choose the path furthest away from it.
- 21/05/2016: Nino: Poke the flowers, they could have radiation.
- 23/05/2016: Five: Embrace Nino, show him how grateful you are for being your friend.
- 25/05/2016: {S} Nino: Explore the path.
- 26/05/2016: Nino: Go down the vaguely yellow brick road!
- 26/05/2016: Nino: Proceed cautiously.
- 26/05/2016: ->
- 26/05/2016: Nino: Try diplomacy.
- 27/05/2016: Nino: Put away your sword and be inviting. It's probably just trying to defend itself.
- 28/05/2016: Nino: Check the ghost dog's stats; it might need healing.
- 28/05/2016: Mysterious Archer: Check your inventory for ghost snausages.
- 29/05/2016: Aria: This looks like a situation for your awfully convenient SPECIAL ABILITY. Why didn't you think of this before!
- 01/06/2016: Aria: Well??? Run after the prints! Do it NOW!
- 02/06/2016: -->
- 04/06/2016: Aria: Remove the disguise and try to catch up with them! Call out to Ludwig, he should recognize you.
- 08/06/2016: Nino: DODGE!
- 21/06/2016: -->
- 11/09/2016: Aria: Disguise yourself as a tree?
- 13/09/2016: Girl: Continue throwing spears at the thieves general direction, try to goad them into an ambush.
- 15/09/2016: Nino: Bonding time!
- 18/09/2016: Nino, Aria & Five: Make all the plans. All of them.
- 09/01/2017: Nino: The plan involves you being bait, doesn't it?
- 25/01/2017: -->
- 31/03/2017: Nino: DIPLOMACY!!!!!
- 01/04/2017: -->
- 12/04/2017: Nino: Shake. That. Hand. Now.
- 14/04/2017: Diplomacy: Complete.
- 15/04/2017: -->
- 26/05/2017: Nino: Ask what a guy has to do to get a tour around here.
- 11/06/2017: -->
- 12/06/2017: Ludwig and Nino: Check the swing.
- 29/06/2017: Nino: Ask if it's someone she knew.
- 08/07/2017: Aria: PANIC.
- 28/07/2017: Nino: Well, do you remember?
- 30/07/2017: -->
- 31/07/2017: -->
- 03/08/2017: Nino: take this time to reflect on how weird names are. Aria is synonymous with song, does she even sing? and then there's the little girl who is literally named the number five. and you. your name means child in Spanish. descriptive until you grow out of it.
- 21/09/2017: Nino: Absolutely RAVISH the muffins.
- 23/09/2017: Nino: Eat the drawing due to extreme hunger.
- 27/09/2017: Nino: Say yes.
- 28/09/2017: Nino: Ask about Aria's life before she came to the monster world.
- 29/09/2017: Nino: Listen attentively to the story... but be too hungry to have any strong reaction to it. Also the tea is... mediocre to say the least, but at least act like you like it for Aria's sake.
- 01/10/2017: Nino: If there is the barrier, how did you cross over to the Monster World? Also, also ask what the dome is made out of.
- 16/10/2017: -->
- 17/10/2017: Nino: Ask the nearest cute monster for where Kotori is. Maybe flirt too.
- 18/10/2017: Nino: Drop some money on the wishing well and wish for a winged to bring you more money. Also, make a wish that your disguise stays unbroken.
- 20/10/2017: Nino: Might want to figure out a cover story. You're a new "monster" in town people might ask where you're from.
- 26/10/2017: Aria: Are you, baby-sitting?
- 27/10/2017: Five: Tell story.
- 28/10/2017: Consoled: Console your consoler.
- 29/10/2017: -->
- 31/10/2017: Kotori: End all of it, right now.
- 02/11/2017: -->
- 04/11/2017: -->
- 07/11/2017: Kotori: Parry.
- 13/11/2017: -->
- 04/12/2017: Corona: Mess with him some more. You know you want to.
- 12/12/2017: Corona: Rethink your choice of fashion. Chains? What are we, a chain gang now? They're cramping your style and you need to take them off.
- 14/12/2017: Corona: Become the bird. With minimal wing cramps.
- 16/12/2017: Aria: Fail at not being absolutely miserable
- 01/07/2018: Nino: Don't leave her.
- 05/07/2018: Nino: Look up.
- 09/07/2018: Nino: Use STEALTH. Act like you surrender, wait for her to get close, then SUCKER PUNCH AND BOOK IT LIKE A LIBRARY?
- 13/07/2018: -->
- 17/07/2018: {S} Decimate.
- 21/07/2018: [C]hapter 1: conclude.
- 21/07/2018: [I]ntermission 1: begin.
- 21/07/2018: Nino: Wake up.
- 25/07/2018: Corona: Actually kill the human now. She's not even moving! Easy target
- 29/07/2018: Corona: Human? What other human? Maybe if you deny it enough, it'll become true!
- 02/08/2018: Aria: Start Jailbreak Adventure.
- 02/08/2018: -/->
- 05/08/2018: Corona: Lie directly through your teeth. Brag about your accomplishment.
- 08/08/2018: Solis: Have value in your own existence, all of your limbs, and more than one eye. Tell the truth.
- 11/08/2018: -/->
- 15/08/2018: Aria: What's that shiny thing on the floor?
- 17/08/2018: Nino: ARIA! OH NO!
- 19/08/2018: Nino: While you take a break from adventuring, why don't you explain your goal in clear, non-vague language?
- 15/09/2018: -/-/-/-/->Nino: Don't look at it! It's bad!
- 18/09/2018: Nino: Better luck with that OTHER sign, maybe?
- 22/09/2018: -/->
- 25/09/2018: -/->
- 29/09/2018: {S} Nino: Proceed.
- 29/09/2018: Kotori: Wait, what?
- 29/09/2018: Nino: Get your bearings and survey your surroundings
- 04/10/2018: Nino: Lament your being woefully unprepared for this cold weather.
- 07/10/2018: Nino: Take a look around at your surroundings
- 10/10/2018: Dangerous Weapon (!!!): Store self in aria's inventory
- 12/10/2018: Five: Dream some more.
- 12/10/2018: -/->
- 12/10/2018: Five: Wake up!!
- 14/10/2018: Five: Don't look back
- 17/10/2018: Kaji: Fly down and defeat the thief once and for all!
- 19/10/2018: Nino: Wow!!! She's dressed like an anime girl but in real life!!
- 21/10/2018: Nino: Ask why she lifted a fucking mountain
- 24/10/2018: Nino: Say “THE SEA” as loud as possible.
- 26/10/2018: -/-/->
- 27/10/2018: -/-/->
- 02/11/2018: Huntsman(?): Try holding your hand out to prove you're not a threat to the scared girl, but forget you have your Sick Arm Cannon on.
- 02/11/2018: -/-/-/->
- 02/11/2018: Sea patrol: COMBAT
- 07/11/2018: Mei: Use Boyfriend to break Nino out of the trance. He's an idiot, but you did say you owe him something.
- 10/11/2018: Aria: Get to Five ASAP!
- 24/12/2018: Aria: Just in case, confirm that you're on the right track.
- 27/12/2018: --/-/->
- 14/03/2019: Aria: Narrate.
- 15/03/2019: Aria: Recall
- 17/03/2019: Try to imagine.
- 11/04/2019: --/-/->
- 14/04/2019: Kotori: Ask
- 06/05/2019: --/-/->
- 09/05/2019: Aria: Dodge!
- 11/05/2019: --/-/->
- 17/05/2019: Kaji: Two of them, one of you. You’ll be outnumbered.
- 19/05/2019: Kaji: Play it cool.
- 24/05/2019: Meimona: Assert.
- 26/07/2019: Aria: Ignore the illusion
- 02/08/2019: --/-/->
- 10/08/2019: --/-/->
- 15/08/2019: Aria: It's a human!
- 17/08/2019: Meimona: Explain your abilities to the simpleton human (but don't say that you think he's a simpleton)
- 19/10/2019: Aria: These are all very good questions. But this is not a good place to discuss this. You should go find somewhere safe first.
- 03/11/2019: Aria: Do it, do a Something.
- 05/12/2019: Aria: Make those amends!
- 13/12/2019: Kaji: Are you still failing your duties?
- 13/05/2020: --/-->
- 15/05/2020: Aria: Reach your destination
- 05/07/2020: {S} Icicle Bay Getaway
- 26/07/2020: Nino and Meimona: Witness incoming ship.
- 31/07/2020: A while earlier...
- 04/08/2020: Kaji: Hopefully, it's worth interrupting your dream.
- 11/08/2020: Kaji: Head out.
- 15/08/2020: Nino: HIDE
- 09/10/2020: Kaji: Tell the newbie she's doing a good job.
- 11/10/2020: Nino: Fall Flat on your Fat Face
- 04/11/2020: Nino: Try to believe.
- 12/01/2021: --/-->
- 09/02/2021: ---->
- 16/02/2021: Aria: OH GOSH!
- 24/02/2021: Ice Wall: Resist
- 17/05/2021: Aria: Believe in the angel's words.
- 29/06/2021: Kaji: Be overwhelmed.
- 13/11/2021: {S} Shatter.
- 20/11/2021: ---->
- 20/11/2021: [C]hapter 2: conclude.
- 20/11/2021: [I]ntermission 2: begin.
- 20/11/2021: [I] Lune: Wake up, sleepyhead! A real-life PRINCE is talking to you!
- 27/11/2021: [I] Lune: Witness TRUE COOLNESS.
- 04/12/2021: [I] Lune: Be honest... but not too blunt.
- 11/12/2021: [I] Lune: Conclude tonight's business.
- 18/12/2021: Try to be Kaji again.
- 25/12/2021: Solis: Just be honest.
- 01/01/2022: Solis: Snitch
- 08/01/2022: Suvillan: Hey, look it's your Royal Guard Leader Fella!
- 22/01/2022: Nino: Wrack your memory to the absolute BEST you can.
- 29/01/2022: A wonderful scene plays out.
- 05/02/2022: Mei: Consider returning what you "borrowed" and hear Kaji out.
- 12/02/2022: Nino: Begin to have your suspicions.
- 21/02/2022: Nino: Hesitantly inquire. Get the deets.
- 26/02/2022: Nino: He's right. Not on everything, but on many matters.
- 12/03/2022: Nino: Keep in mind with your newly learned information that she might just be using you for gratitude.
- 20/03/2022: Kotori: Where are you going?
- 26/03/2022: Solis: What exactly does she mean? Ask her to elaborate.
- 09/04/2022: Mei: Something seems off with Nino.
- 17/04/2022: Five: Ask why Five being a monster is an issue.
- 23/04/2022: Nino: Let her be hopeful, but still be realistic.
- 30/04/2022: Five: Try to remember.
- 17/05/2022: {S} Reconstruct.
- 11/06/2022: Party: Come to any conclusions?
- 18/06/2022: Audience: Be ever the skeptics.
- 25/06/2022: Reed: If Nino did so, surely it's not a stretch that you chose to pursue your quest despite the dangers it posed.
- 25/06/2022: Nino: What are you dreaming about?
- 02/07/2022: Nino: Do you even remember that phrase?
- 02/07/2022: Nino: Stab yourself.
- 09/07/2022: Solis: Didn't you and Kotori plan to patrol the border to try and catch the assassin? How's that going along?
- 17/07/2022: It was the first dawn after war.
- 23/07/2022: Suvillan: Break out of your awkward silence.
- 23/07/2022: Even if you must give everything up for a peaceful future?
- 30/07/2022: The companionship of the deceased.
- 30/07/2022: Nino: Answer Nino.
- 17/08/2022: Nino: Reveal your plan.
- 20/08/2022: Nino: Well? Do you plan on explaining yourself?
- 27/08/2022: Check your preparedness.
- 03/09/2022: Party: Inspect map.
- 10/09/2022: Once upon a time.
- 08/10/2022: Nino: That Book of Wonders seems too mysterious to pass up...
- 15/10/2022: Sea Patrol: Set sail.
- 28/01/2023: Sea Patrol: LAND HO!
- 04/02/2023: Nino: Eat the flower.
- 11/02/2023: Mei: Wish on your luck that everything works out.
- 11/02/2023: Party: Enter rift.
- 18/02/2023: Party: Strengthen your grip!
- 25/02/2023: Nino: She can catch up, all you have to do is believe.
- 25/02/2023: -/-/-/->
- 05/03/2023: Suvillan: Discuss with Corona.
- 11/03/2023: Lune: Report Kaji's status.
- 18/03/2023: Be Aria.
- 18/03/2023: Be Reed.
- 25/03/2023: Be Nino.
- 01/04/2023: {S} Be Lacia.
- 02/04/2023: Be Meimona.
- 08/04/2023: Meimona: Flashback.
- 08/04/2023: Aria: Combat!?
- 16/04/2023: Meimona: Wait, was he always this stubborn?
- 16/04/2023: Reed: Follow but question him.
- 30/04/2023: Reed: Before anything else, make sure she's real.
- 18/05/2023: Be Nino!!!!
- 04/07/2023: Nino: Answer Nino.
- 08/07/2023: Nino: Ask about the other "Ninos" in your dream.
- 11/07/2023: Nino: Nothing he has said proves that he is the same as you.
- 15/07/2023: Nino: Fall.
- 18/07/2023: Reed: Immediately shoot, don't give it time to react.
- 22/07/2023: Aria: Does your ability protect against mind-peeking?
- 26/07/2023: Mei: Question this "Nino".
- 30/07/2023: Spirits: Pursue target.
- 05/08/2023: Nino: Prepare to fight.
- 13/08/2023: Nino: Feel refreshed after getting to hit one of your copycats.
- 19/08/2023: Reed: Enter forest.
- 03/09/2023: Spirit: Reveal yourself.
- 10/09/2023: Reed: Is this something you experienced firsthand?
- 16/09/2023: Reed: Don't get distracted by the spirit.
- 31/03/2024: Spirit: Taunt.
- 07/04/2024: Reed: Don't panic. Focus.
- 14/04/2024: Illusion: Engulf.
- 21/04/2024: Valkyrie: Remember.
- 04/05/2024: Spirit: Struggle.
- 14/09/2024: Nino: Diplomacy.
- 21/09/2024: Who am I?
- 28/09/2024: Mei: Approach the spirit.
- 06/10/2024: Nino: Can healing substitute his need for borrowing?
- 24/11/2024: Nino: Use healing hands to help Avery.
- 24/11/2024: Avery: Rest at last.
- 05/02/2025: Silly, lost kid.
- 08/02/2025: Nino: Look up.
- 08/02/2025: --/-->
- 12/02/2025: Nino: It's a monster!
- 16/02/2025: Solis: Listen in as you treat her.
- 19/02/2025: Aria and Reed: Question the spirit.
- 22/02/2025: Reed: Yeah, this is fascinating, but she's right that neither of you can fix this and you've got more pressing things to deal with.
- 27/02/2025: Meimona, Nino, and Solis: Arrive.
- 02/03/2025: Mei: Are you feeling better?
- 06/03/2025: Nino: What can you see out the window?
- 12/03/2025: Nino and Solis: Converse.
- 16/03/2025: Solis: Be upfront about your suspicions.
- 20/03/2025: Nino: Tell him you're a bit exhausted after coming all this way, so you'd actually rather stay around here a bit longer before leaving.
- 27/03/2025: Nino: A HUMAN? How preposterous!