23 May 2016

Five: Embrace Nino, show him how grateful you are for being your friend.

  • Five: !!!!!!!!!!
  • Five: present!!!!!!!!
  • Five: five... loves... present!!!!!
  • Five: five... loves... nino!!!!!
  • Nino: You're choking me.

  • Nino: It's just some flowers!
  • Nino: Oh boy, you are assaulting me with hugs now.
  • Five: present... BEST present!!!!!!!
  • Five: more hug!!!!!!!!
  • Nino: Hahaha, aw.
  • Nino: Is this enough hug?
  • Five: yes!!!!!!!!!!
  • Five: five is... now done!!!!!
  • Nino: Your hugs are dangerously too affectionate, heheh.


Five's old flower crown goes in your inventory.

Those flowers are withered, but they still hold their captivating violet color. You wonder where she got them? They don't seem to grow around here.

But this is no time for such thoughts.

Nino: Ready your sword.

Safety is the priority here! You make sure your sword is ready by your side. You and Five prepare yourselves for the last path.

Nino: Time to head down the last unexplored path.

The shadow of the trees looms over you, obscuring the view...

...But this time, you are not alone.

{S} Nino: Explore the path.
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2 years ago

tl;dr: Five gives Nino the tackle of love, and says the drug flower crown is the best present ever, which would probably be sad if this wasn't really cute. Nino takes withered flower crown and prepares to go down last path.
