17 May 2022
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2 years ago

I was scrounging around for dialogue from Deltarune into a google spreadsheet but this is more important.

Alex "Big Cheese"
Alex "Big Cheese"
2 years ago
Reply to  Taki

Including the Japanese Deltarune dialogue?

2 years ago

No I'm not that dedicated. Anyway, I stopped because I saw 3:28 clear indicators as to what some greek letters translate to in Oceanfalls so I'm currently manually combing every single page to see if I can find any that use greek letters.

2 years ago
Reply to  Taki

https://oceanfalls.net/p/1325 (Given the first example I could find is this early, I have the feeling the whole case might have already been cracked open) https://oceanfalls.net/p/4757 (On one of the signs in one of the scrolling panels) https://oceanfalls.net/p/7414, pretty certain I found every instance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Taki

Now that I think about it given some of the examples of the cypher go back years ago, the whole thing has probably already been solved and I've wasted some of my time, oh well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Taki

It was a worthy effort!

2 years ago

How pleasant.
Nice soundtrack.
Happy 6th.

2 years ago

Very good! Very wholesome with hints of a sad story underneath.

2 years ago

oh my god that was wholesome and amazing
really love how everything turns childish and cute from five's perspective. very smooth animation I loved it ! :D

kaji (now without the pyxis)
kaji (now without the pyxis)
2 years ago

oh my god

2 years ago

That was awesome! Happy 6th anniversary everyone!

2 years ago

Animation’s getting smoother and more detailed, awesome!

2 years ago

Did...Did she just get fallout 4'd?

2 years ago

Okay, a few things can immediately be drawn from this.

Party: Come to the Conclusions.

-Zachary L was only interested in Five due to her being the only successful test subject.

-Anise was significantly more friendly with Five.

-Five got her original purple flower crown as a present for doing well in her tests from Solis.

-Five and possibly Sis were kept in the facility for so long that just being allowed to go outside was a major gift from Zachary.

And the BIGGEST one.

-The reason Five's sense of time is so messed up is that she was put to sleep for YEARS for an unknown purpose. It was possibly done by Cryogenics, but since it was her fifth birthday, and the others said she looked older than five, I think it's unlikely.

2 years ago
Reply to  VB.Rainer

Ran out of room in the first, but here's one more.

-Five was originally on the treatment Cryoprecipitate until Zachary switched her it Adraxone.

-I looked it up and Wikipedia defines Cryoprecipitate as a blood product produced by freezing plasma and thawing it, and then collecting the precipitate. It's mainly used to treat issues related to forming blood clots, which stop internal and external bleeding.

-No medicine is officially named Adraxone, but one medicine that goes by Adroxone is Adrenochrome. It's made by oxidizing Adrenaline, and while it has no known medical usage, the derivative compound Carbazochrome is an Antihemorrhagic medicine, AKA, a medicine that stops bleeding.

-FINAL CONCLUSION: Five was originally sick because of a blood condition, an inability to form blood clots, and was taken to the lab, at least partially, to be treated.

2 years ago
Reply to  VB.Rainer

ALSO also, as noted in the Discord,

-Five has a blood condition, and has been implied to be unable to get an ability when she was being chased by the spirit in the woods.

-The heart has been called in comic the place where the soul resides, and abilities are said to be tied to the users very existence.

-The Human Killing ritual explicitly involves destroying the heart so that humans can't use abilities to be revived somehow.

-The above facts means it's very likely that Abilities are tied to the heart, as well as blood and the circulatory system by extension.

-Thus, Five cannot gain an ability due to her blood condition, and Zachary was trying to treat and fix this for his own motives.

2 years ago

Happy Sixth anniversary Oceanfalls!! This is honestly such an amazing webseries and all the work poured into it is amazing, thank you for the lovely story ! :0

2 years ago

sis (diana?) is so important to me

2 years ago

I wish I was Five and had big titty thiccc doctor mommy pamper me ;-;
Great job on the flash everyone here's to another 6 years

2 years ago

I have only just caught up from a read from the beginning, since I got partly through years back and wanted to refresh. And wow what a few weeks it has been to read this every day. I adore everything about it from the characters to the story and all of the creative lore behind it. Honestly, it’s sparked a lot of creative interest in me to make as story of my own, too. I absolutely adore it. Happy six years! I can’t wait to see what happens.

2 years ago

That was rather nice.

Yeah! :)
Yeah! :)
2 years ago

It's unreal how appealing this story is. The questions raised from the beginning combined with the extremely intriguing and complex characters with their verbal quirks and slight nods to their separate personalities in their ways of speech just show great attention to detail in this story. I've been hooked on it from the beginning. The obvious inspiration from Homestuck is a treat and it's awesome to see how it developed into a huge story with timelines, complex interactions, and visually appealing art. I'm sure it's super taxing to create, I cant imagine the amount of thought you've put into it behind the scenes. Don't be afraid to take time off, these things take time! A good story shouldn't be rushed by any means. If there is a discord server or anything of the sort I would love to be a part of it, there's just so much potential to the story its unreal. I'm done gushing though, whoever may be reading should just focus on doing something they enjoy today :)

2 years ago

oh man

2 years ago

I was not here for the whole time this series has been out in fact I only found out about it 2 days ago and reading it all up until now was a roller coaster can't wait to see more after this. [ Also poor five :( ]

1 year ago

this literally made me cry>
i watched it twice, once yesterday and again today>
this is just so perfect>
like i mean not perfect literally because like *what is*
but the music, the animation, the story it's telling, the way this was handeled, the fact that five is finally the focus of a five minute {s} page as she rightfully deserves...
this is incredible>
i dunno how much of this was directly done by nights so who should i be praising here
i mean, the music on its own is really good, but is literally amazing in the context of this flash {}{kinda like umbral ultimatum in homestuck}{}>
FriendlyCoy should write more oceanfalls music, there are only a handful of tracks listed as being by that name>
hadronus did an amazing job animating this, just like in {s} shatter, although i feel like this is just more
and just better>
like with a few tweaks this could stand alone as a short film>
