31 Oct 2023

The Cat's Cradle.

Nyahahaha! It's finally time... for the FINAL BOSS to appear!

Did you use your thinking time wisely? I sure hope so! 'cause now's the time to answer the witch, you know?
You remember the riddle, don't you?

Twelve guests, and twelve treats. Which treat belongs to whom? Right now, only the witch knows the answer!

Wait, don't tell me you need more hints? But you had so much time to think...
Well, I COULD tell you what I know if you really want me to. But this really is the end!
After we're done here, you must answer the witch, so listen carefully to my WISDOM.

View newly acquired hints.

#1: The Vendors

"Rumor has it that a hardworking, ruthless businesswoman was present in the mansion, attempting to sell as many GALACTIC BISCUIS OF LOVE as possible. But even though she's the creator of said biscuit, she does not like her own product all that much!"

#2: The SECRET Treat

"Remember those coffee beans? Actually, they're made from chocolate shaped like beans!!! They're really SWEET and have never been BITTER."

#3: The Actual Objective Best Candy

"...Is gummykitties. Specifically the pink ones. You're STUPID if you like the red gummies, or any animal that isn't an ADORABLE kitty."

Didya listen well? You got all of that? Great! Because, ehehe...
One of the three "facts" I gave you is actually a total lie! Mwahahahahahameow!
Good luck figuring out which one that is! Meoweeeehehehehe!

Five: Prepare to answer.

Uwah... Five got a trick, not a treat! But it's okay... not everything was lie, right?

Actually, Five feels really confident! Definitely, can answer correctly now! Let's go tell the witch!

And then... everyone will get treats together! No more tricks!

Are you ready? Respond to the witch in the comment section to submit your FINAL answer. <-

The Witch's Challenge - Fourth Night.
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8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

1. Little Sweetie: Kotori
2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Reed
3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Nino
4. Moonie Rolls: Aria
5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Kaji
6. Straightforward Wafers: Solis
7. Candyunicorn: Ruit
8. Monday Lollipop: Selene
9. Peanut Delight: Corona
10. Gummykitties: Meimona
11. Coffeebeans: Lune
12. Luxury Black Licorice: Suvillan

8 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

This answer assumes that all of Mei's hints are correct, but one of them is a lie.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lunk

Incorrect. This answer assumes the lie was #2, and that the coffee beans are real coffee beans.

This is because if the coffee beans were actually sweets, there would be no non-candy treat to give to the person Kaji talks about (who doesn't like sweets) when talking about his friends.

As such, we can use hint #1 to determine that Selene is the hard-worker, and Lune is the one who doesn't like sweets.

Therefore, Lune is the one who eats coffee beans, as the only item that isn't a sweet. Selene is then given the lollipop.

Last edited 8 months ago by pikarai
8 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

If number two is a lie, then the coffee beans are the one bitter item.
If you reread the Licorice's description you will see that it calls it sweet, as well.

The multiple described flavors of the Licorice match Lune's ability, and Kotori stated that Suvillan likes bitter treats.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lunk

You're also assuming that Lune is the one who doesn't like sweets, and that Selene is the hard worker. If they are the other way around though, Lune can be the sweet Licorice, and Selene can be the Salted Toffee, as in Reader's comment.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lunk

The Toffee is stated to be "A mouthwatering combo of sweet & salty...).

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

1. Little Sweetie: Kotori
2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Selene
3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Nino
4. Moonie Rolls: Aria
5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Kaji
6. Straightforward Wafers: Solis
7. Candyunicorn: Ruit
8. Monday Lollipop: Reed
9. Peanut Delight: Corona
10. Gummykitties: Meimona
11. Coffeebeans: Lune
12. Luxury Black Licorice: Suvillan

8 months ago
Reply to  Reader

Visual reasoning behind them:
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Last edited 8 months ago by Reader
8 months ago
Reply to  Reader

mistake correction: Selene licks the lollipop, Reed munches on the Salted Caramel Toffee.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

Little Sweetie - Ghost.

Salted Caramel Toffee - Skeleton.

Galactic Biscuit of Love - Doctor.

Moonie Rolls - Witch.

Seasaltwater Taffy - Detective.

Straightforward Wafers - Agent.

Candyunicorn - Hunter.

Monday Lollipop - Mime.

Peanut Delight - Resurrected.

Gummykitties - Cat.

Coffeebeans - Adam.

Luxury Black Licorice - Vampire.

Last edited 8 months ago by Mysteriousmaverick
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

1. Little Sweetie: Kotori
2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Reed
3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Nino
4. Moonie Rolls: Aria
5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Kaji
6. Straightforward Wafers: Solis
7. Candyunicorn: Ruit
8. Monday Lollipop: Selene
9. Peanut Delight: Corona
10. Gummykittens: Meimona
11. Coffee Beans: Lune
12. Luxury Black Licorice: Suvillan

(pretend i posted this before pilkarai)

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights
  1. Little Sweetie: Five because she deserves all the candy in the world.
  2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Five because her hunger deserves to be satiated by the most exquisite of treats.
  3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Five because she is still growing to be strong and healthy.
  4. Moonie Rolls: Five because she would appreciate the beloved candies of the past.
  5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Five because her visits require the local favorites to complete.
  6. Straightforward Wafers: Five because she will appreciate the deliciousness of simplicity.
  7. Candyunicorn: Five because good children deserve more sugar as a treat.
  8. Monday Lollipop: Five because Super Boss deserves a break for all the hard work she puts in.
  9. Peanut Delight: Five because she deserves the rarest of candies for being a good child.
  10. Gummykittens: Five because she understands the importance of color to the quality of candy.
  11. Coffee Beans: Five because Super Boss needs all the energy she can get to perform her super-duper-important job.
  12. Luxury Black Licorice: Five because she must be rewarded with only the most luxurious, most exotic, and most classy treats.

These are objectively correct and no one can contest that.

8 months ago
Reply to  Spinachlette

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8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

This is tough for me... I feel like I should offer an opinion that is different from other people's just so we cover the most amount of ground, but I just can't see it any other way than this:

  1. Little Sweetie: Kotori
  2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Reed
  3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Nino
  4. Moonie Rolls: Aria
  5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Kaji
  6. Straightforward Wafers: Solis
  7. Candyunicorn: Prince Ruit
  8. Monday Lollipop: Selene
  9. Peanut Delight: Corona
  10. Gummykitties: Meimona
  11. Coffeebeans: Lune
  12. Luxury Black Licorice: Prince Suvillan
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

My thoughts are still a bit jumbled from being dragged around by the mouse, so my guess ends up being a bit difficult to understand:

VIII = 6
IV = 2
XI = 8
II = 4
VII = 9
XII = 5
III = 10
V = 12
IX = 7
VI = 1
X = 11
I = 3

8 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

You Really Want People To Suffer, huh?

8 months ago
Reply to  pikarai


8 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476
  1. Kotori
  2. Reed
  3. Nino
  4. Aria
  5. Kaji
  6. Solis
  7. Ruit
  8. Selene
  9. Corona
  10. Meimona
  11. Lune
  12. Suvillan
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

my best guesses are:

#1 little sweetie: cheshire "final boss" the cat -- meimona
#2 salted caramel toffee: the "good" plague doctor -- nino
#3 galactic biscuit of love: monster vampire hunter -- ruit
#4 moonie rolls: the good witch -- aria
#5 seasaltwater taffy: private one-eye -- kaji
#6 straightforward wafers: the secret service -- solis
#7 candyunicorn: ghostie -- kotori
#8 monday lollipop: hot single skeleton -- selene
#9 peanut delight: resurrected winged -- corona
#10 gummykitties: mime mouse -- lune
#11 coffeebeans: the guy -- reed
#12 luxury black licorice: count vampire -- suvillan

Pun Lord
Pun Lord
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

I must repay my savior, lend me the weapons that hold the trappings of being effective against hunters and mice. If you have a way to end the existence of mimes as well I would be glad to use it for the knight.

Last edited 8 months ago by Pun Lord
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

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Hi, yeah, could I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... can I get um... Can I get the biggest axe you have? I heard that I can get my very own Solis for laying down my life in the name of evil.

Now that I think about it though, I'd feel bad betraying Selene's team after recieving such a precious item from her... What do you think I should do?

Last edited 8 months ago by Wight
8 months ago
Reply to  Wight

Have honor and loyalty to Hot Single Skeleton anime women.

8 months ago

You make a really compelling argument.
Thanks for the advice kind stranger.

Last edited 8 months ago by Wight
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

*Frog ghost float to the revival services*
"Hello, *ribbit* yes, I'd like one (1) revival, pretty *ribbit* please."

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

It is good to see that you are using your talents for the cause of virtue and living up to your name as the good doctor. I wish to minimize bloodshed in this quarrel, please assist me in this task

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

I'd like to climb in a cardboard box, and you tape the open end shut once I'm inside.

8 months ago
Reply to  Taki

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Last edited 8 months ago by Wight
Witch's Cadence
Witch's Cadence
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

Do me a solid and give me a ladybug please

8 months ago

The most powerful weapon... can you really be trusted with it?

Witch's Cadence
Witch's Cadence
8 months ago
Reply to  Wight

only god can tell

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

This'll do
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Last edited 8 months ago by pikarai
8 months ago
Reply to  pikarai
Last edited 8 months ago by Nights
8 months ago
Reply to  Ashenchromatic

Since the video embed is (as of posting this) dead, here's my artistic retelling of the events
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Last edited 8 months ago by Wight
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

Hi how much is the doctor? i would like to buy the entire doctor. I am willing to sell a toaster for it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

A very sickly looking, late guest runs towards the weapons stand and grabs a steak knife.
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i could win against you all if i got the jump on you.

Last edited 8 months ago by leiirue
8 months ago
Reply to  leiirue

This dude has NO hit points.

8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

"Hello, Potion weapon Seller, I am going into battle and I want your strongest potions weapons."

Last edited 8 months ago by Hans
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

No need! I'll simply deploy a few of my patented Conflict Defuser Mk 1 to resolve this situation peacefully.


(Also, I'd be obliged if anyone could tell me how to upload images in a comment.

8 months ago
Reply to  redaer

Alternate version of no. 1 in case I was wrong about Suvillan's favorite:

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I'll leave both of them out to be safe.

8 months ago
Reply to  redaer

Just drag the image into the text box. Also, are you related to the ghost frog reader?

8 months ago

Not so far as I know! I think we're just equally inspired when it comes to choosing usernames.

Thanks for the advice, but it apparently makes the post too long when I do that. (When I try to post, I get a popup saying "Input is too long.") I'm not signed up for any sort of account; I'm not sure if that's the source of the problem.

8 months ago
Reply to  redaer

No, I'm the same there and that's not an issue for me, but i think I realize the reason why.

When I drag an image, the word count on the upper-right decreases by the thousands, so images take up more space than individual characters.

Some images can be dragged and some can't, though I have no idea what constitutes how much space is lost. But I feel like that's at least the root of the problem.

Last edited 8 months ago by Mysteriousmaverick
8 months ago
Reply to  redaer

Right click, then choose "Copy Image Address." Paste that into the comment.

8 months ago
Reply to  redaer

change the link a bit - make it https://i.imgur first, and then add a .png on the end and it should embed automatically. the code stays the same

8 months ago
Reply to  redaer

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You need to right click on the images in imgur and select copy link. You'll know you did it right if the URL has the file extension in it

Lay's Chips
Lay's Chips
8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

"They're still going to fight!? That doesn't sound good at all--! Can't you two do something to stop them...? The nice witch will SURELY be upset from this...! I don't know what money is but I don't think it'll work like the Mister said..."

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8 months ago
Reply to  Lay's Chips


8 months ago
Reply to  Nights

uh, yeah, im so sorry to bother you, but have you seen this guy?
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I've just been hired as a jester and my first decree is to "beat him within an inch of his life". I dunno what kind of jester is violent but this dude scares me more than anything so i think I'll take my chances with this hammer if you'll let me- uh...
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Last edited 8 months ago by FluxicEnk
8 months ago

#2 Is the lie. It is the only one that contradicts what the witch said, and The Final Boss's praising of the pink kitties shows her favoring them. She does not seem to be like The Guy who believes in properly using the terms "Objectively" and "Literally" in the correct fashion. We have not seen that skeleton enjoy her biscuits, and she does not seem to be as hardworking as the mime. May this be the righteous and just truth, shown by the blessing of Divine Providence.

8 months ago

1. Little Sweetie: Five
2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Five
3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Five
4. Moonie Rolls: Five
5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Five
6. Straightforward Wafers: Five
7. Candyunicorn: Five
8. Monday Lollipop: Five
9. Peanut Delight: Five
10. Gummykittens: Five
11. Coffee Beans: Five
12. Luxury Black Licorice: Five

I hate aria for lying about how many bitter treats there were. Also for letting kotori shoot and kill me. FUCK you aria im giving five all the candy 🖕👻

Last edited 8 months ago by Ashenchromatic
8 months ago
Reply to  Ashenchromatic

You may want to CTRL C + CTRL V that comment below Nights's first comment.

8 months ago

By the way, I'd just like to say how so so excited I am for this reveal!

This whole event has been a blast for me, so thank you to everyone who had a hand in creating it and thank you to all the other commenters for making the party so lively!

Also, Kaji's outfit was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. (I love you Kaji)

8 months ago

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> Knight: Cut yourself free with your sword!

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You're now free from the mouse's grasp. And, it seems like she's so focused on her murderous quest that she didn't even notice!

It's too bad your NAIL is completely fake. Otherwise you could've done this sooner.

The mime has gone off to inspect the other people in the room. It looks like that hallway just ended up leading back to the same room everyone else went to! What kind of nonsense mansion is this, anyway?

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Whatever. You get the feeling the mouse will come back for you when she realizes the agent isn't here. You need to find someplace to hide, and fast.

Where could you - Oh!

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There's a CAT sitting in that doorway over there.

This must be a good omen! You're sure this path will lead to safety.

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Before you leave, you take a second to leave your old nail back where the sword was. Hopefully that shady merchant will consider this as payment. You really don't need another angry guest after you.

Last edited 8 months ago by nevermind3476
8 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

The plot thickens!

Pun Lord
Pun Lord
8 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

Alright, gonna guard this against the guard. And maybe take the nail as a disguise.
