Perfect! You may pass!
It might prove useful to you.
View info about treat origins.

#1: The Human World
This is our turf, and you know how we are! We love our media, and the media loves its ADS.
Products from the human world have a perfectly polished image, and sometimes come with an entire elaborate backstory, courtesy of... whatever marketing department was assigned to handle it.
So to be into treats from the human world, you have to be somewhat accepting of the inherent dishonesty behind most of them.

#2: The Monster World
Monsters really value their traditions.
Apparently, products stay for a long time in the public's mind across generations there. They don't let go of the "classics" as easily as we do in our fast-paced, competitive world.
I guess a lot of people do prefer it if a product is exactly what it says on the package, no more, no less.

#3: The Winged Overworld
It's really hard to get stuff up there!
But that's not an issue, because the winged kind of don't care about candy in the first place. They're more concerned with making a profit, and not in the same way we humans would! They're obsessed with status symbols, and being "the best of the best", so I think...
Even their candy choices will be biased.
Five: Give him your thanks!

Five understands a lot better now! Thanks for helping, Nino!

Five is getting close to the correct answer... everyone think so too, right? But, still need to think some more...

So, let's talk to guests again! This time, Five will find new people... to ask new questions to!
The event will run until the 31st of October.
On the last day, a section to submit everyone's final answers will be open. But for now, it's thinking time!
Use the comment sections to speculate as much as you'd like to.
In addition, various guests are going to appear in the comments, roaming around the mansion for a time. Their antics could provide vital clues to your investigation, if you manage to reply to them before they leave.
CREDITS: 3D treats were created by Hadronus, & the music is by Wights_End! Thank you!
An AGENT has entered the building. Er... sort of.
IS that a costume, or is he really some sort of security guard?
It looks like there was an attempt to call for someone who could monitor the place earlier, but... with a single glance, you can see that this guy's probably just another guest. If not, then he's definitely not a good guard.
He looks so nervous, you can't help but wonder if you should approach him at all.
Oh thank god you're here! I'd like to report a crime. I saw a small child dressed as a ghost shoot one of the party attendants.
yes hello officer i would like to counter-report this guy for being a massive snitch. life in prison shall do
i would like to counter counter report this guy for not having cool sunglasses like everyone else present in this conversation. death sentence seems appropriate.
counter counter counter-report This guy just painted their normal glasses lenses black. Solitary confinement is the only answer.
What are C.U.s?
Sorry to interject, but I also witnessed the crime, and it happens that the perpetrator was a monster. Now, as we all know, guns don't exist in the monster world, and it would take an exceptionally well educated monster (like yourself, surely) to even know what one is, much less use one properly! So, I think it's fair to say that the real culprit is the person who so irresponsibly gave the ghost a gun. Now, I don't know who that is, buuut I did see someone carving a pumpkin with some nasty looking devices earlier. Said they were part of his costume. Maybe he snuck the gun in with the same excuse? Might be worth checking out.
the perpetrator was around 5ft tall I think, was wearing a a white sheet to give her the appearance of a ghost. This place is huge so I'm not sure that I would be able to lead you back to the crime scene, but I know she was eating a biscuit. Keep a keen eye out for crumbs on the floor and they may lead you to the perpetrator.
Ask them to exam a stone that we found near the scene of the crime. it is a valuable piece of incriminating evidence and should be dusted for prints (It is secretly cursed and will change them into a frog).
(We must stop them from discovering the truth)
We can try.
*Hard to understand mix of Frog and English*
"Hey! It's nice to see that *someone* put some effort into their costume too!"
Wass poppin? I died recently and noticed that apparently all the spirits are supposed to have symbols that float around 'em, got any shape recommendations? Someone as snazzy as you gotta have some swaggy shape reccs.

Hey, agent guy! What are you looking for here?
Looks like people all around here are getting fired up, you think it's because of the candy? What are your pals tastes, 'cuz on my end I have a bunch of chocolate and ice cream enjoyers.
Hey, yeah dude, i'm so sorry to bother you, but i got my head stuck in this pumpkin and i can't get out, i've been here for hours, and you look official please help me

The Count shoves the Agent aside and proceeds to recruit you... without waiting for a response. It looks like you have no say here, you're simply coming along now.
. . .
Cheesed to meet you!
L rizz
*spookily* w rizz
Hi, so me and my friends have been arguing about something and we'd love if you could solve this debate once and for all:
How many Lunes does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
It's kind of crowded in here. Not because of people, but all the boxes of unknown treats. It's kind of difficult to hold a conversation in a storage room... with a nonverbal partygoer, to boot.
now that im dead i use my spirit powers to divine lune's favorite snack

You float spookily in the corner, doing your best to figure out this mime mouse's taste... and then you realize that she hasn't ever acknowledged your presence for the past however minutes you've been there.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she isn't even seeing you in the first place. This is because GHOSTS are not SPIRITS, and GHOSTS are INVISIBLE, unlike SPIRITS. Get it right, stupid!!!
Ghosts cannot be seen by NORMAL people. Their only power is that their voices can be heard sometimes, but even then, whatever you might say is unlikely to reach her in this state. Because...
Can't you see that she's taking a very important phone call right now?
nvm ignore what i said to pikarai and wight THIS is w rizz
Just grant a lady a piece of cheese to fascinate her alongside the pun, youth Pikarai, and thine rizz shall be unparalleled.
i change my mind you backed up kotori after she killed me i HATE you. watch your back kid.
You've received x4 the waves for donning such a lovely costume. It is only proper to honor the host's wishes, after all.
gesticulations asking if she wouldn't mind ratting out her and her pack's taste in treats... and maybe a few boxes.
Understandable... Though I believe someone may have called these packages as C. U.... Though I lack the knowledge on the agent granting said knowledge.
Congratulations! It looks like you've activated the mime's hidden Killing Function somehow.
You feel like said agent's life might be in danger, and maybe your own too if you don't direct her to where that agent is. Preferably as soon as possible.
(No choice but to silently flee and mimic the others from now on... Rats.)
(no, mice)
I point the suddenly terrifying mouse in the direction of a nearby hallway

...then run off as soon as she leaves. Hopefully that'll distract her for a while.

I cannot thank you enough for dragging that mouse into the endless void of this land. But I can at least try. I shall award you with a title as well as a plot of land for you to rule over, and all the candy I am able to attain on Hollow's Eve.
Your quick thinking succeeds in redirecting the Mouse Mime (Killing Mode Version). However...
For some reason, you too are taken along before you could run off.
hello mouse woman. why are you at boxes and not mingling with the other partygoers? don't fancy the atmosphere?
Would you like help carrying these boxes? there seems to be quite a few of them and I've got a wagon that may be helpful.
"Hi, everyone!"
A familiar voice suddenly grabs your attention.
"Five found... detective!"
"Detective will help everyone think!"
Wow, look at that costume, it speaks volumes! Looks like you've finally got some competent help on your side. You could ask him anything...
Now would be a good time as any to clear up any misunderstandings you have, and maybe make sure everyone's on the same page. Or you can just say hi if you prefer!
Hi Kaji! You're an artist, right? I've been having people carve pumpkins and I'd love for you to carve this last one.
Oh yeah, and I also have some Captain Morgan Pumpkin Spiced Rum if you'd like to try some.
Golly! You've brought such joy to the detective with both your incredible choice of an offering AND your nautically themed outfit. Cheers!
cARVE WHAT????????

A word to the wise, pull a Pun Lord by escaping and hiding.
Evening, detective. We're on a very special case right now... Your services would be greatly appreciated.
We need to figure out everyones' favourite treats, and fast.
First things first - What do you know on the topic already? I'm particularly interested in hearing about your friends, and more specifically Captain Lune.
"Very well, buddypal! Good on ya for workin' so hard to help this lil' kid."
"My own buddypals are simple. First one's a hard worker, second one's got a damn unexpected sweet-tooth, and the third one... well, she just don't like sweets."
"As for me... heh, I don't think I need to tell ya anythin' about my taste. Now, don't think me weird, but I been watchin' for a while... and I gotta say, yer detective work's not half-bad. Y'all can trust yer instinct there."
"Now that that's outta the way, lemme correct somethin' for ya."
"The Doctor's Note is useful, but not if ya take the way as he thinks ya should. Way I see it... he's focusin' on the wrong thing. Boy's kind of a numbnuts, see!"
Kaji then points out one detail out to you:
A treat's origin does not mean that only people from that very place can enjoy it. In fact, he thinks it's better if you don't put all of the weight solely on the place of origin alone.
"See, the doctor's describin' personalities and preferences more than anythin' else, without realizin' it himself. I'll bet some humans might like monsters' treats more than their own, or the other way 'round, just 'cause of how they are as people an' what they like."
He thinks you'll reach the answer if you judge by the appeal each world's philosophy might have on different personalities, as well as the nature of each treat, rather than only considering where those guests originated from.
"Seems like a tall task, don't it? But no worries. Ya brilliant buncha detectives are actually just a hair away from crackin' this case wide open, ya know!"
"Plus, I'm here to help if ya need it, see? Just say the word!"
Would you consider licorice bitter?
The detective finally manages to tear his attention away from the presents he'd just received for long enough to answer you.
OH MY GOD IT'S KAJI PY- I mean, uhm. Hi detective. Big fan of your work. You haven't seen any ghosts around, have you? Or I mean, a person dressed as a ghost. Not the real ghost who keeps saying strange things.
Wow, Mr. Detective, I'm a huge fan! I drew this masterpiece as an offering for you. What do you think?
He's ABSOLUTELY DAZZLED by this present, and is even more CHUFFED to have bumped into a fellow artist. It's the first time he's received such a thing in his life.
This definitely has to be framed and hung somewhere on his bedroom's walls, he says!
Suddenly, a VAMPIRE steals the spotlight from the wimpy agent - which wasn't even THAT much of a spotlight to begin with, but this guy certainly managed to take it and spin it into something far more illuminating.
"I've been watching your antics since the start, and let me just say - you're such brilliant entertainers! So dedicated to the job you'll even die for the joke! Oh, Solis here could learn a thing or two from you."
You manage to catch a single faint, barely audible defeated sigh from the agent, just moments before the count continues speaking over it.
"Now I could've just kept enjoying this entertainment for free, but I had actually decided that you're worthy of a reward of your very own, especially since the witch's planning to hand out treats for her distinguished guests only."
"Wouldn't it be a shame if there's nothing for you hardworking extras? So rejoice! I've indeed decided to reward you myself. There is... one small problem, though."
"Some bastard took all the stock I had, and left not a single candy behind."
"Sooo... you only have to catch that guy and beat him within an inch of his life, or maybe a little beyond that, and get your rightfully deserved reward back! All it takes is a little investment of your time."
"This little illustration, courtesy of my dedicated undead henchwoman, will surely aid you in identifying him! Oh, he is just Some Guy, so don't worry about dealing with him. No one would care if he was punched a little, and maybe slightly slaughtered. All in good fun!"
"Simple, right? Especially since I hear you're detectives on a mission and all. It shouldn't be too difficult to find The Guy for you, eh? Go on, pick up a weapon and get to work!"
"And remember - he's taking what's yours, so you can be as violent as you want to!"
That undead henchwoman wouldn't happen to be a ghost, would she?
he is going to LEVITATE you out of your JORTS bro *spooky ghost voice*
"You know, I might be one of the only people who can actually see ghosts here. You're fooling nobody."
"I've had my eyes on a couple entertaining oddballs around here, including you... if you're going to be this way forever, would you perhaps like to make a living out of it?"
"I think your corpse would make a brilliant mantel decor for one of the rooms back at my residence. Come to think of it, there was also a weird frog here, whom I could use as a centerpiece for one of our dining tables. And that pumpkin-headed fellow who was lurking around here... now that would make for a fine court jester."
"I could give you all cushy jobs and pay you extremely handsomely, so long as you make the place sufficiently spooky and endlessly entertaining for me and my henchwomen!"
"Here, I'll even provide you some entertainment of your very own to keep things fair."
"This is a local 'Solis' that you'll get to interact with on the daily, if that's somehow a selling point for you. Oh, wait... do you not know what a Solis is?"
"It's this kind of man-shaped object, sort of fleshy, kind of Solisy. See?"
"It's also really good at spitting facts. Watch this..."
"Great, right? You can even invite more of your friends to join us in the mansion if you'd like to! Tonight's the only chance I'll get to meet this many new faces, so anyone who wants in - speak up now!"
Hey Solis count how many sand there is
I guess the vampire lord did say to invite more people...
SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG appears and joins the Count's side. Solis is enamored by the presence of someone as great as this being.
He will count all the sand in the world posthaste.
Getting Kinda Fucking Bodied By This Choice Rn.

Hey, not like you can die twice. Try your best to make it through this.
Your hesitation forces the Count's hand.
It looks like you don't have a say in this anymore. You've simply been taken in to join a very... colorful entourage, for the lack of a better word.
Now HANG ON HERE! This Solis is dressed COMPLETELY differently from the one we were looking at not a moment ago! This isn't the REAL Solis! Are you trying to swindle us?
It looks like there is a whole population of Solii in the area. What manner of cloning technology could these monsters possess!?
Surely not a question you'll receive an answer to.
Hmm, I know this may be hard to believe, but our numbers are very... Strange. They'll likely listen to you if you give information on the preferred kind of candy for you and others you know. Trust me, the normal amongus have to live with them.
If worst comes to worst, you can ask for assistance from the witch, as she seems very powerful and influential, though she doesn't seem to want conflict of any kind to happen. Apologies that I couldn't do more.
Somewhere in the mansion, a door bursts off of its hinges.
The MAN WHO SPECIFICALLY KILLS MONSTER VAMPIRES has entered the premise. He was likely alerted by the presence of a MONSTER VAMPIRE, whom he is SPECFICALLY here to KILL.
Loudly, he announces:
"I'm going to kill the MONSTER VAMPIRE. Anyone who wants to do the same, get your weapons and join me NOW."
His purpose is clear, and his message, simple.
I doubt the hostess witch will allow that, good hunter, but some of us can still be convinced to fight anyways due to our strange proclivities. Please inform us as to what sorts of candy you and the people around you would prefer.
FREEZE, CRIMINAL! *intimidating ribbit*
We've had ONE murder already, NO MORE party-goers will die tonight!
You BRAVELY confront the MAN. Unfortunately, you're too tiny to be seen, and too froggy to be understood.
Your short life as a frog flashes before your eyes. It is full of heartwarming froggy moments. Like the one time you croaked... and the one time you got gifted a crown... and the one time you tried to stand up to a criminal and got stepped on.
Yep, that was a life well spent.
You are DEAD and have become a FROG GHOST.
Which is just like a normal ghost, but slightly cooler.
The VAMPIRE HUNTER leaves alongside a very... interesting entourage of enthusiastic supporters. It is time to find the VAMPIRE.
But mister... wouldn't you get in trouble with the witch for that? Vampire monster prince sir is another guest...
Due to your previous grave mistake.
New information to help us on the Candy Debacle! Here's what we know:
1. Human world sweets are heavily branded for public image, and have an air of dishonesty.
2. Monsters appreciate tradition, preferring classic or simple treats.
3. Winged care more for the status or prestige of their candy than its taste.
Let's see how the existing sweets fit into these categories:
1. Little Sweetie: Monster
2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Winged
3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Human
4. Moonie Rolls: Monster
5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Human
6. Straightforward Wafers: Monster
7. Candyunicorn: ??? Maybe Human.
8. Monday Lollipop: Human
9. Peanut Delight: Winged
10. Gummykitties: Human
11. Coffeebeans: Monster
12. Luxury Black Licorice: ???
Thinking about how characters would pick - It might be a better play to decide based more on where they live rather than their race. For example, I'm still thinking Kaji for Seasaltwater taffy, despite it giving human vibes from its description.
Also, thinking about the Mei/Corona thing with Peanut delight, i've decided to switch my choice to Corona.
So, here is my updated list:
1. Little Sweetie: Kotori
2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Meimona
3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Nino
4. Moonie Rolls: Aria?
5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Kaji
6. Straightforward Wafers: Solis
7. Candyunicorn: Ruit
8. Monday Lollipop: Reed
9. Peanut Delight: Corona
10. Gummykitties: Selene
11. Coffeebeans: Suvillan
12. Luxury Black Licorice: Lune?
I'm super mega confident about sweetie kotori, and wafer solis.
The rest can probably be moved around as new information arises, but this is my current list.
I think theyre all for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3 (with reverb bc im dead)
Honestly this whole situation has thrown me for a loop... I'm not sure if we're to believe that the guests will only choose candies from their world. If this were true, then 6 of the available candies would have to be from the human world, since there are six human guests. (Unless Aria is being counted as monster world?) Hopefully more answers become clear as we continue to chat with the guests.
yea ive been thinking aria would count as monster world and kaji would count as human world since he doesn't really give winged vibes
I totally thought the same for Kaji! So if we move Aria to monster and Kaji to human, we would have 2 winged guests, 4 monster guests, and 6 human guests.
Update: Kaji's Tips have Come in!!!
I'll leave the bit about Kaji's friends till the end
1. Info on Kaji - "Trust your instinct here" - Essentially telling us the Obvious Kaji Treat is not a red herring. This makes me super confident about seasaltwater taffy for kaji.
2. Doctor's note info
A treat's origin world doesn't necessarily mean the person who wants it is that race.
Think about the characters' personalities, and match them based on the appeal of the philosophy of that character.
3. Encouragement
He tells us directly - We're close.
4. Offer for help.
Kaji will give us more information if we ask, I assume? I don't want to ask myself just yet - but it might end up being necessary for some details.
5. Info Kaji's friends (Ruit, Lune, Selene)
One's a hard worker,
Second's got an unexpected sweet tooth,
Third one, she doesn't like sweets.
The sweet tooth goes to Ruit, we've kind of already deduced that. I'm now super confident about Ruit Candyunicorn.
I'm actually not completely sold on who doesn't like sweets.
On one hand, Selene Works Hard - Her grind never stops she's still selling her merch at the party.
On the other hand, Lune's running so many damn boxes around it's insane. They're both working hard.
But One Of Them doesn't like sweets.
And, What changes are made from this new information? Is LUNE the coffee eater? And Suvi goes to Black Licorice?
Maybe Selene, with her obsession with PR, would like winged candy? Do we swap her with meimona? Mei doesn't seem the most bothered by stuff like
But. "Hard Worker". That implies the Monday Lollipop, no? Then, what would Reed get instead?
I've been thinking Reed as the monday lollipop, but honestly it might have to go to whichever of selene/lune is the "Hard worker" mentioned in kaji's text.
But we're also "Just a hair away from cracking this case wide open". That means not many changes, no?
I think I'll need more time to think about all this.. And maybe some sleep as well.
Please discuss and share your guys' opinions, cause i'm kinda fucked up rn.
I feel like we're definitely getting somewhere. Kaji told us that the candies origin doesn't equate to which guest will choose it so that does free up Prince Ruit to be the Candyunicorn. Along with Solis telling us that a "Rich Bastard" was smuggling them, I'm almost certain that the Candyunicorn is Ruit. If I had to guess, I'd say that the boxes Lune was moving were the smuggled goods.
As for the hard worker, I'm fairly confident he means Lune, and that Selene is the one that doesn't like sweets. The main question is whether or not the Gummykitties are a sweet treat. I'm also still convinced that Lune is the Monday Lollipop, even moreso with the description of her as a hard working employee.
Now for my confusion. I'm not sure who would fit best for the Salted Caramel Toffee. The only characters I would think know about fine dining are Ruit, Suvillan, and Reed. I still feel like Reed is probably the coffee beans, though I suppose it could be him. I'm totally puzzled as to what candy Aria would choose.
Another thing!! I don't think Selene's candy would be a winged candy. From what I could glean, it seems like the winged care more about status than they do about money, and Selene is definitely all about the money.
Update Again:
Alright, after some thinking and discussion, I think this might be it.
Big thanks to nevermind for coming to this conclusion first so i didnt have to use my brain power to finish my thoughts.
1. Little Sweetie: Kotori
2. Salted Caramel Toffee: Reed
3. Galactic Biscuit of Love: Nino
4. Moonie Rolls: Aria
5. Seasaltwater Taffy: Kaji
6. Straightforward Wafers: Solis
7. Candyunicorn: Ruit
8. Monday Lollipop: Selene
9. Peanut Delight: Corona
10. Gummykitties: Meimona
11. Coffeebeans: Lune
12. Luxury Black Licorice: Suvillan
Due to Nino's strict adherence to a dress code, I think it's best if I change into my DEEP SEA DIVER costume that I brought with me. I'd never leave home without it (and all my other possessions.
Ribbit Unfortunate that you are Ribbit blinded by your Ribbit signed glasses and put your Ribbit suit on backwards
Whoa! A talking frog! I didn't catch all that but it sounds like you like my costume? Thanks! It's more uncomfortable than normal for some reason though...
Anyway, you can't go running around without a costume. Let me see if I have something in my wagon...
Aha! I found just the thing. Here you go little buddy! Maybe if you can get a kiss from a fine maiden you'll turn back into a prince!
can i have a gift? also dude nice shades
Hmmm, well I don't normally take requests, but since you're a fellow shades enjoyer I suppose I'll make an exception.
What would you like? I can give you a toaster, brown bricks, or a third more sinister (and undisclosed) option.
holy shit a transparent toaster yes fuck yes
Here you go. Enjoy your Early-2000s-translucent-plastic Toaster.
best day of my fucking life
A certain SMALL KNIGHT enters the room. They had just been talking to a
cutefriendly ghost when she suddenly shot someone and ran off! How rude.The knight is certain they saw her run off in this direction, but she's nowhere to be found. Strange.
Well, it seems that a bunch of other people have ended up here as well. Might as well ask around a bit. There's still candy to be won, after all.
(this happens chronologically before anything else i do on this page, of course)
Good to see Nino is not a twisted bicycle path or whatever.
Anyways, my guesses.