You are the thirteenth guest of the night.
Some are salty, some sweet, and one... bitter.
Tell me, to whom does each treat belong?
View list of treats.

#1: Little Sweetie
A sugar candy sold at a very cheap price in the midworld. Rumor has it their tiny size justifies their high-sugar content.

#2: Salted Caramel Toffee
A mouthwatering combo of sweet & salty, often overlooked by those with childish tastes (who would actually love it) due to the name. Only those privy to fine-dining gourmet trends could recognize the value of this treat.

#3: Galactic Biscuit of Love
A FAMOUS trademark. According to TV ads, eating it makes you more attractive, healthy, fit, handsome, opulent, moneyed, and orthodox. No, really, just trust the TV on this one!

#4: Moonie Rolls
An old-fashioned cocoa-flavored candy. For some reason, old ladies really love handing these out, and kids love grumbling about receiving them even more.

#5: Seasaltwater Taffy
A variation of soft taffy local to the midworld that contains peculiar ingredients within it. A favorite for tourists.

#6: Straightforward Wafers
It's just wafers. Perfectly uniform, generic, and most importantly, tastes 100% like wafers. You need anything more?

#7: Candyunicorn
A small, waxy, extremely sugary candy intended to evoke the image of a monster's horn. It doesn't do it's job very well... and is actually despised by many for its taste. There IS such a thing as too sweet, you know!

#8: Monday Lollipop
A human once said "most candies are marketed to kids, so what about us adults?" and the rest was history. These lovely lollies are perfectly engineered to put a smile on any employee's face. Children are BANNED from purchasing any.

#9: Peanut Delight
The most sought-after treat on the market, beloved by people of all ages from every world. Because of how limited the quantity is, one might have to actually fight others to the death for one box around this time of year.

#10: Gummykitties
A fresh spin on a new candy craze within the midworld. There are colorful gummy candies shaped like various animals, but some claim that different color and animal types taste better than others. Lately, word has it that "PINK kittens taste the best".

#11: Coffeebeans
"This isn't a candy", yes, yes, I hear you. So why is it here, you ask? To some people, this is what constitutes a perfect snack. If treats are supposed to be energizing, then raw coffee might as well be the same thing.

#12: Luxury Black Licorice
A treat that contains an intense mix of flavors - sweet, fruity, earthy, smokey - much like a fine wine. It is an acquired taste, only liked by a select few - whose dedication keeps the market going.
Five: Plan out what to do.

Twelve treats... twelve people... Five must connect them together!

Five will think about it carefully... and everyone must think, too! Answer together... and get candies!

If Five asks the guests good questions, maybe it will help... but be careful with words, or the witch might play a mean trick on everyone!
The event will run until the 31st of October.
On the last day, a section to submit everyone's final answers will be open. But for now, it's thinking time!
Use the comment sections to speculate as much as you'd like to.
In addition, various guests are going to appear in the comments, roaming around the mansion for a time. Their antics could provide vital clues to your investigation, if you manage to reply to them before they leave.
CREDITS: 3D treats were created by Hadronus & the music is by Wights_End! Thank you!
Credits go to the awesome for the 3D candy designs you're seeing all over the place! Thank you Hadron.
A small ghost has shown up at the west entrance.
She's so totally cute that you're sooooo super nervous! Yes, just take my word for it and don't worry about it too much. Anyway... will you approach her?
Remember, Five said that asking the right questions could be helpful for your cause. Or you could just say hi. Your choice, really! Go ahead!
Hello Miss! Can you help us?
We'd just like to know what your taste in candy is like
No reason... You wouldn't happen to know your friends' tastes as well, would you?
How does showing off have anything to do with their tastes??
hey bestie!! i managed to fetch this biscuit - last of its kind, seemingly? you want it?
Do you prefer bitter or sweet candy? Or are you more of a salted snacks person?
What do you think about our host?
Mind if I tag along? I have something I want to give her.
Sure, I'll come with
What's your favorite type of bug
WHY are you so short?
*Pats her on the head*
"There there, little one. Where are your parents?"
You hear a loud voice echoing through the halls. Somehow, its source is indiscernible, and it also feels as if you are the only one who hears this voice.
The witch casts a curse on you.
You have been turned into a frog.
You now move at a speed of two hops per second, are extremely short, and have an innate, deep understanding of all things amphibian.
But wait, that's not all.
From the corner of your froggy eye, you notice a BAR OF HEALTH floating. Even when you turn your gaze, it moves with your vision. And then, you realize that your health is DANGEROUSLY LOW.
Hey, don't worry about it, it's probably not a permanent curse or anything, right? In fact, it'll probably go away by the end of the party!
If you survive until then, that is.
I am terrified of our host, I am So Sorry For Everything please do not involve her. Then again, I'm not sure someone wont rat you out for the FIREARM in your possession! (not me im still terrified of our host) But I can get rid of it for you if you want, though. I'm like the Houdini of making guns disappear.
Look I can straight up do magic, watch!

She's astonished at the way your corpse is posed. It almost looks like a thumb came off. Wow.
Hey, no spooky party's complete without a corpse, right? You should feel PROUD about your valuable contribution, and start enjoying your new life as a GHOST.
You suddenly realize that bringing up the gun to someone who does not know even what that is may have been unwise idea.
You are now DEAD and have become a GHOST.
What's your favorite book?
Wow, sounds impressive! If you're that great of a reader, you should try reading this!
I'm more of a Cain's Jawbone guy myself.
Even though it looks like she's suddenly extremely in a hurry to leave, she makes sure to graciously accepts your gift first before departing.
It is a wonderful choice for a present. If you suspect that the little ghost might not be able to appreciate it in full, rest assured that the host of this party definitely will.
wight where the fuck did you get a gun
yeah. Where else would I get one?
An undead winged and some sort of
potentially offensive caricaturemakeshift monster have shown up at the frontyard. They seem to be in the middle of converstion...But would you look at that, one of them has already got a bag o' treats ready for the occasion!
Ey, Frankenstein's Monster! And, uh, some dead guy.
ooooo what kind of candy is that mr frankensteins monster guy
Looks familiar, doesn't it?
mummy winged!!! you like horror movies? movies in general? i need somethin to watch gimme the hits
"Movies? Oh yes, of course I know those! I've got the best taste in them. In fact, I could give you enough recommendations to last a lifetime! But first..."
You see a basket of weird pink dust, and slowly realize you may be looking at the remains of countless biscuits which were accidentally crushed to dust by a certain someone.
"Get rid of this for me, willya? Then we can talk movies as much as you'd like. Oh, and you can have this one too, as a treat!"
She's offering you, and only you specifically, the last living biscuit. It looks like it's on the verge of crumbling into nothingness. You swear it's almost as if the thing has a living soul, and is just begging you to save it from this beast's grasp.
"Eat it, crush it, trash it, or show it off. I don't care what you do with it, as long as you take good care of everything. You understand what I'm getting at, don't you?"
What will you do?
oh i'm picking up what you're putting down. you won't hear from it again. i take the cookie out of her hand and the basket away from the crime scene
but what's wrong with this... survivor? why not just eat it yerself? flavor not to your liking? tryna ruin someone else's night for shits and giggles?
hey mummy girl have you ever picked up a monster by the horn and swung them about i’d imagine its really fun
*Intentionally trying to start a fight*
"Hey, Frankenstein! Whatcha got there in your little baaaaaaaaaag?"
Apparently, your presence served as a suitable distraction for that winged to get up to some shenanigans of her own.
I have a couple extra pumpkins. Would the two of you like to try your hand at carving jack-o-lanterns?
"By the way," he says. "I don't think that winged lady's ever going to touch the other pumpkin you brought. You should find a better use for it."
You should try to get better sleep kid. You look more like a zombie rather than Adam.
While traversing the witch's mansion, you notice that a HOT SINGLE SKELETON has been sneaking around the second floor for a while now, somehow going unnoticed by all.
There is now a HOT SINGLE SKELETON in your area.
She's holding a suspicious sign... Oh, wow, is she trying to drive sales for her product even though it's the holidays? What a ruthless businesswoman, not taking a single break from the job! You swear you can almost see dollar signs sparkling in her eyes.
Whatever you choose to do here, you feel that you must protect your wallet at all costs if you're going to be in her presence.
Hi! I'm a huge fan of your work! can I get your autograph? I'll take it in frosting on a biscuit if I have to
You now have a pair of autographed glasses, bearing the signature of the one and only SELENE VENUS.
I've never been so excited to not be able to see!
You know, I think I saw someone crushing some of those very biscuits into DUST... be careful with your merchandise around here...
Hey, what is this?! You're clearly bootlegging my patented Interdimensial Cookies of Passion! I'm gonna need some royalties... Don't worry, I can settle out of court.
The HOT SKELETON suddenly makes an impromptu phone call.
Uh oh.
"Hey, look! Over there, a man holding a stack of gold coins!"
*Scribble 'FREE' on her sign with black marker while shes looking away*
"Guess hes gone. Oh cool, is this a treat giveaway? Can I have one?"
I'm sure the ~host~ would hate to have a such a commotion at her great party over such small details like that... But perhaps we can make it up to you, bony creature. Pray tell, what would be your favorite candy? No real reason to be asking, afcourse :o)
Ask this entrepreneur if she has any market research on the tastes of the partygoers.
First thoughts:
The selene biscuit is obviously Nino's. Obviously.
Coffee is probably Solis.
The gummy kittens seem obviously linked to Selene. Perhaps TOO obviously. Maybe a red herring.
i am a moron solis is the wafers and reed is the coffee
Here's my first impressions:
Seasaltwater Taffy feels very Kaji. it says "A favourite for tourists" of the midworld, so it's probably for a winged. And kaji loves the sea
Straightforward wafers feel solis. He's a plain guy, with his wardrobe full of orange shirts
Coffeebeans feels like Reed. Because sleep deprivation, and he's the kind of guy to like Bitter.
Luxury black licorice feels suvi-pilled, since he's the most likely to be a Wine Guy out of everyone
Little Sweetie is So Ruit.
Moonie Rolls' "Old Ladies" quote makes me think who's the most Old-Lady-pilled character. My mind jumps to lune, for some reason.
Also, we should sort the candies into the 3 flavour groups, considering the answers from the characters would probably mention the groups rather than individual treats.
Anway, let's see what conversing with the arriving guests has to tell us about their tastes, first...
Update: Peanut Delight might have to go to Meimona - Since it's so rare, you'd have to be extremely *lucky* to get your hands on one
*walks up to you* what the fuck are you talking about pcklerai
Update 2:
Looking at Kotori's Dialogue, she says "any candy i can get my hands on" - The Little Sweetie is said to be sold at a cheap price, which would make it easy to obtain. It also fits her vibe.
As for ruit, I've reread the descriptions and realised he'd probably fit better with the Candyunicorn. Especially considering his sweet tooth - and the line "There IS such a thing as too sweet, you know!"
Here's my current (Not Final) List:
1. Kotori
3. Nino
5. Kaji
6. Solis
7. Ruit
9. Meimona
10. Selene
11. Reed
12. Suvi
The ones i'm unsure about are aria, corona, and lune. The others seem to fit, BUT new information could displace them at any time.
Alternate distribution of Aria, Lune and Corona:
2: Aria, 4: Corona, 8: Lune
or (less likely imo)
2: Aria, 4: Lune, 8: Corona
Update 3:
New info,
Solis is boring (confirmed wafer)
corona likes to show off (unknown)
kotori’s tastes are different to suvi’s
suvi is okay with bitter
Also, reading the Monday Lollipop again,it does feel like it fits reed. He’s the kind of sad guy who needs it, and the NO CHILDREN thing could be because eidolon steals them or whatever.
This frees up the bitter coffee beans to give to suvi, which works since bitter and sweet are different and i’m still giving kotori 1.
This means the unassigned numbers are now
2, 4, 12.
The showing off from corona may imply it’s the peanuts, especially since combat is mentioned in the description. However, i’m still keeping that as mei for now because of the luck thing. Or, it could not. who knows.
Thread continued on page 2
Ōshenfāruzu No Naku Koro Ni
Going by typecasting, intuition, and Kotori's answers:
#1: Kotori? (she's short and seems the type to have a sweet tooth)
#2: Aria??
#3: Meimona? (wild claims about effects + cat-themed)
#4: Lune?? (moon-themed)
#5: Kaji. Almost too obvious, Nights might be throwing us for a loop here.
#6: Solis (Kotori's response)
#7: Ruit?? (outward image of refinement but more casual/immature around friends)
#8: Corona? (cares most about seeming grown-up)
#9: Nino??
#10: Selene (clean fit for her TV persona)
#11: Suvillan (Kotori's response)
#12: Reed??
One question mark is some uncertainty, two question marks is a wild guess.
After much scientific deliberation I have come to my (highly variable) conclusion as to whom each treat belongs!
#1: Meimona. She is quite short and full of energy, just like the candy. She was also very broke back in Icicle Bay, meaning that the Little Sweetie would be the only candy she could afford.
#2: Prince Ruit. Being a prince, I feel like he is a major candidate for someone who would know his way around fine dining. I also feel like his taste in candy (and manga) would be quite childish, so while he may think he is being very adult with this choice, the Salted Caramel Toffee is actually quite suited to his childish taste.
#3: Nino. This treat just screams Nino to me. We already know he has quite the affinity for the Galactic Princess Selene show, and I feel like he would be a total sucker for the over the top advertising insisting it will make him more handsome.
#4: Kotori. The moon designs on the candy lead me to believe this treat is for her, though it could be a total red herring.
#5: Kaji. I feel like this one seems like an easy one. Unless that's what the witch wants me to think? Anyways, it says that the Seasaltwater Taffy is popular among tourists, and Kaji isn't native to Icicle Bay, so that's another reason it could be him.
#6: Solis. Kotori says that Solis is a boring guy. A boring choice for a boring guy. Seems fitting enough!
#7: Aria. The fact that it's shaped like a monster's horn leads me to believe that it's something you could only find in the monster world. Now, I don't believe that any of the monster guests would choose this treat, especially since it's apparently despised by many. That's why I think Aria is the most likely candidate, since she is native to the monster world, but may not have the same tastes typical of a monster.
#8: Lune. I feel like Lune definitely strikes me as the most "adult" among the guests. The Monday Lollipop is also said to bring smiles to the faces of any employee's face. I think this may be a clue, since Lune is an employee of Prince Ruit. The smiling part may also allude to the fact that Lune has a serious demeanor and is rarely seen smiling.
#9: Corona. The fight to the death part seems to heavily imply Corona, as she seems like the one who would be most eager to fight. It also says that it is sought after by people from every world, which would of course include both the winged overworld and the monster world.
#10: Selene. I don't have a super intricate reason I believe this is her, I just saw the "PINK" and thought of her.
#11: Reed. I feel Reed would be the guest most in need of energy. We have also seen him before saying that he would need "a gallon of coffee".
#12: Prince Suvillan. I feel like he would be the only one with a taste refined enough to enjoy this treat. The Luxury Black Licorice is also compared to a fine wine, and Suvillan is shown holding a wine glass in his costume. Kotori also said he likes bitter candy, and after a illuminating Google search I've found that black licorice can be bitter. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure if that's true, but it's good enough for me.
After more scrutinizing, I've thought up some alternatives.
I may have Kotori and Mei's treats flipped. I could see #1 being Kotori's, as she is the shortest (the candy is small) and she said she will eat whatever she can get her hands on (which would explain the cheap price). Mei could also be #4. The moon pattern could signify that it is a treat for the winged. Perhaps her mum is the old lady that handed them out?
I also worry that Prince Suvillan may have the coffee beans. The witch says that only one of the treats is bitter, which would imply that the coffee beans would be that sole bitter treat. However, the coffee beans are also said to not be candy at all, and Kotori said that Suvillan likes bitter candy. Either could be possible in my eyes.
This probably means more to me than it should. I just can't resist a good puzzle!
Ask this entrepreneur if she has any market research on the tastes of the partygoers.
i think you're supposed to reply to the comment youre responding to instead of making your own? This is a really good prompt and it'd be a shame if it gets missed from being posted in the wrong place
Ah whoops yeah.
#1 Little Sweetie: Aria. Who else is full of sugar?
#2 Salted Caramel Toffee: Suvillan. Sophisticated luxury.
#3 Galactic Biscuit of Love: Meimona. It is the most out there sweet.
#4 Moonie Rolls: Reed. Would probably insist that he doesn't need to justify liking them.
#5 Seasaltwater Taffy: Kaji. Fits him like a cliché.
#6 Straightforward Wafers: Solis. Why overcomplicate your sweets?
#7 Candiunicorn: Kotori. Smol and too sweet.
#8 Monday Lollipop: Nino. It is adult candy, so he can like it if he wants to.
#9 Peanut Delight: Corona. Would fight anyone for it.
#10 Gummykitties: Selene. Of course pink is best.
#11 Coffeebeans: Ruit. Workaholic.
#12 Luxury Black Liquorice: Lune. Dedicated.
very late but hopefully i still can participate |−・;)
from everything i read so far and most of candy descriptions give me :-
#1 cheshire "final boss" the cat -- meimona
#2 the "good" plague doctor -- nino
#3 monster vampire hunter -- ruit
#4 the good witch -- aria
#5 private one-eye -- kaji
#6 the secret service -- solis
#7 ghostie -- kotori
#8 mime mouse -- lune
#9 resurrected winged
#10 hot single skeleton -- selene
#11 the guy -- reed
#12 count vampire -- suvillan
other than a few that i'm certain of, the rest are based on vibes d(>_< )