You wake up in an unfamiliar place.
It seems you lost your way in this dead forest. You also think you hit your head pretty hard. You can't seem to remember anything about yourself, not even your name! You're pretty sure you have a name, but it's slipping from your mind.
Are you going insane? Probably.
But nonetheless, you figure you will try to retain some of your lost sanity and remember at least a few details about yourself.
What was your name again?
This looks absolutely gorgeous. I've been meaning to for a while, but with this new site, I think I'm finally gonna give this a thorough read!
cool that oceanfalls has a website now
Im going to read homestuck and all webcomics I like with everything is awesome from the lego movie. This includes oceanfalls. Ps. will also read the everything is not awesome from the sequel when something bad happens.
This comic looks rlly nice so far
tl;dr: Green Boi has the ultimate hangover. remembers he's supposed to have a name