27 Mar 2025

Nino: A HUMAN? How preposterous!

There it is.
He just came out and said it.


No more beating around the bush.
Now you can safely begin to address that little topic.

Nino: Stop smiling so creepily!

You're not actually doing that! You're only preemptively smugly celebrating your victory on the inside, okay.

Because this is already as good as done.

Really, how stupid can he be to just say it? Now he's the weird one for bringing up humans out of nowhere. It'll be so damn easy to use that against him.

Nino: Isn't you avoiding your "possible" humanity to get him to admit it exactly what a human avoiding detection would do? Your continued dishonesty only raised suspicion, and pushing him on what he refuses to say only fed it more. Still, now that the matter is out in the open, you're better off focusing on it, unless you'd prefer cremation over burial.

Hah, what? You're kidding, right?
No human in their right mind would ever think to do this. They'd be too afraid to even dare. Come on, you can't expect the average person to think like you do.

Addressing the matter is what you intended to do all along, it just couldn't have been you who brings it up.

If you know what his exact concerns are, you can put everything to rest by confronting them directly - instead of falling into whatever verbal traps he's set up, and accidentally confirming something else for him in the process.

Gosh, really... these scattered thoughts.
A part of you has been panicking so, so much over this, huh?
You pause. "Relax", you say to yourself.

All you have to do is trust that you can pull this off well.

Nino: How would a human even get to the monster world?

Let's see, what's the correct reaction for this?

You should be... surprised, and concerned.
Yes, that should be the most natural.

  • Nino: ...Huh? What did you just say...?
  • Nino: Why would I be talking to a human?
  • Nino: Let alone, where?
  • Nino: There's a whole barrier in the way between us and them, you know!
  • Nino: I might be an overly cautious person... but you're definitely way weirder when it comes to what makes you paranoid, Helios!
  • Solis: ...
  • Nino: Has anyone even seen humans here recently?
  • Nino: I've never heard of it, if so...
  • Nino: And I thought his highness promised he'd keep us safe from them!
  • Nino: Did he fail to...?
  • Solis: No. He'd never make a mistake.

Nino: Why would you be working with a human? It's rude of him to even suggest as much.

Ah, of course! It's time to be offended.
Seeing that he bothered a guest to this degree is sure to make him reconsider...

  • Solis: That's right...
  • Solis: There's been no human intruders.
  • Solis: It's just...
  • Solis: ...
  • Nino: Well, it's good if that hasn't happened, but...
  • Nino: Conspiring with a human? Really?
  • Nino: That's unthinkable, Helios!
  • Nino: I can't believe you'd accuse me of such a thing.
  • Nino: I think I've made it pretty apparent that I'm not a person who's keen on forfeiting his life by making choices like that, haven't I?
  • Solis: ...
  • Nino: Honestly? You owe me an apology for that one, sir.

Solis: Think carefully.

"So, just for this once..."
"I want you to judge for yourself, and help protect the prince in your own way, just as I intend to do here."

"Because, if you ask his highness on what to do..."
"It won't be as good as what we choose."

"I am certain of this fact."


  • Nino: ...What, you don't wanna apologize?
  • Nino: Or are you reflecting on how nonsensical your claims are?
  • Solis: ...
  • Nino: I'll be nice, and assume the best of you...
  • Nino: But really. I want an apology!
  • Nino: It's just so insane to be accused of something like that.
  • Solis: ......

Nino: You should listen to your intrusive thoughts more. They have watched & learned that being active isn't doing you any favors with this guy.

Oh, there you go again. Don't be so worried, seriously.
Just be quiet and wait. You're not good at this.

That's why it's not your turn now.
That'll come later, so just relax, okay?

  • Solis: ..........
  • Nino: ...Um. Say something, will you?
  • Nino: I'm just going to leave if you don't.
  • Solis: Hah... I can't do this anymore.
  • Solis: You're too similar to him.
  • Nino: Huh? Similar to who?


  • Solis: His highness.
  • Nino: ...Wh...what?
  • Nino: I-I'm like the prince?
Why? And how? Has he lost his mind?
That's the last thing you expected to hear here...

  • Solis: Sorry. Think nothing of it.
  • Solis: You reminded me of him is all.
  • Solis: But you were absolutely right, Mino.

Solis: Be upfront, for real this time...?

  • Solis: I think I was worried over nothing...
  • Solis: So much so that I started acting just plain rude.
  • Solis: There were some supposed human sighting claims, yes.
  • Solis: But even though they turned out to be false,
  • Solis: Still, it's made some people quite anxious.
  • Solis: So, here I am...
  • Solis: Doing my best to make them less worried.
  • Solis: But I should have found a better way to do this.
  • Solis: As a result, I ended up troubling an uninvolved guest... sigh.
  • Solis: You're the second person I've bothered today because of these unfounded suspicions. I deeply regret doing that to a visitor of our town, especially.
  • Solis: Mino, I sincerely apologize.
Wow... so, that went almost as you expected.

Besides that one weird comment about the prince, of course. You have no idea what the hell he means with it, but... it doesn't matter if everything's resolved!

This is your cue to back off, then.
It's ideal to keep things friendly here and all!

Nino: You need to act like a normal monster trusting of this monster authority who saved you, so you can fit in.

  • Nino: Oh... I didn't hear about these sightings at all.
  • Nino: But now, everything suddenly makes sense...
  • Nino: If that's how it is, then it's all cool by me!
  • Nino: Man, why didn't you just say that from the beginning?
  • Nino: Now I got all mean towards you for no reason,
  • Nino: When you were only trying to help!
  • Nino: I probably made you pretty upset, huh?
  • Nino: Sorry, I guess...
  • Solis: ...It's fine. No offense taken.
  • Solis: I'm really the one who should apologize.
  • Nino: Hey, at least now I know to watch out for humans!
  • Nino: I'll be sure to warn my friend, too.
  • Nino: If we see anything weird, we'll definitely let you know!
  • Solis: ...I'd appreciate that, yeah.
There we go... that should cover all your bases.

Now you just need to tie up the topic of exorcisms. Keeping its details under wraps seemed to be pretty important for him, so you'd better not leave any potential worries lingering there.

Nino: Now don't fuck this up.

  • Solis: I'll let you go now, kid.
  • Solis: Sorry to have kept you so long.
  • Nino: Ah, it's fine. But wait, um...
  • Nino: Do you want me to keep what I know about exorcisms a secret, by the way? Because I still feel like you weren't too comfortable answering my questions before...
  • Nino: And I don't know if that's just because of the human thing, or what.
  • Nino: Soooo...
  • Solis: ...Actually, yeah.
  • Solis: It's not like it's bad for anyone to know what I've told you,
  • Solis: But exorcisms are a heavily regulated act.
  • Solis: I can't exactly answer anyone's request to do one...
  • Solis: So people hearing about them would only invite unnecessary problems for me.
  • Solis: That's why, I'd like it if you kept what you know about them only to yourself.
  • Nino: Whoa, I see...
  • Nino: I guess it makes sense if you have to follow regulations!
  • Nino: I learned something amazing today, huh?
  • Nino: Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret.
  • Nino: I'll only tell my friend a little, if that's okay...
  • Solis: ...As long as she also keeps it to herself.
  • Solis: Hopefully, it'll help you reassure and lift her worries, too.
  • Nino: Of course!
  • Nino: Y'know... my friend really hates lying, actually.
  • Nino: You and her are kinda similar!
  • Nino: I think you'd get along well, Helios.
  • Solis: Is that so?
  • Nino: Yeah! Can we visit you later?
  • Nino: It'd be nice to give you two the chance to chat!
  • Solis: Maybe if an opportunity presents itself, sure.


Man, this is going great.
He's perfectly playing right into your hands.

Obviously, he's NEVER EVER going to talk to Meimona again, for as long as you have anything to say about it. Sucker!!!

Now that that's over with... It's time for your final trick.
One last effort, to secure his trust.


  • Nino: By the way...
  • Nino: I really am sorry I lied about the snacks earlier!
  • Nino: I'm still not totally in the mood, but...
  • Nino: I'll at least try a cookie, okay?
  • Solis: Ah...
  • Nino: Feels disrespectful to not give anything a taste,
  • Nino: And to even lie about it!
  • Solis: ...Well, sure, if you want to.
  • Solis: Help yourself.

Nino: Eat a cookie.

It's okay. He ate from the same plate too...
There's no way he'd do that if these were poisoned or something.

And, in the worst case scenario, you'll just rely on your healing!
It's gotta be able to counter something like that, right?

But anyway. Ignore all of that.
There's a way bigger problem at hand now.

Nino: How is it?

It's... it's delicious!!!

These cookies are so freaking good!
And that's a HUGE problem, because...

Why did you say you'd only eat one?

Aaaaaargh, damned hubris!!!!!!

Nino: Try very hard to hide your enjoyment. You can eat more later!

  • Solis: How is it? Tasty, right?
  • Nino: Ummm. It's not bad, yeah!
  • Nino: My friend will definitely enjoy it a lot, though.
  • Nino: She's a major sweet-tooth, that girl!
  • Solis: That's good to hear.
That's a big fat lie of course.
You don't know what food Mei's into, but as far as you're concerned, it's all been decided for her now! Just live with it, winged.

Aah, sadly, you may have to part with these lovely cookies for now, but... doing this should be enough to show that you've come to "trust" him.

Gosh. You're so glad you thought this many steps ahead.

Nino: Gloat internally.

How about that, Helios!?
Doesn't this clear every last bit of suspicion, you orange fool!?

And who's the stupid one now, dumb intrusive thoughts?
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

And seriously...

Stop being so worried all the time, will you?
It's all going to be okay, see?

Because all you have to do is believe in yourself.

  • Delivery Girl: Greetings!
  • Delivery Girl: Got a delivery for one "young lord" here!
Oh, and would you look at that?
It's pretty late, but still, the timing is juuust perfect.

You can totally use this to run away now!

  • Nino: Ooh, the food's here! Awesome!
  • Nino: I better get going, then.
  • Nino: My friend is probably awake now...
  • Nino: And it'll be easier to apologize if I walk in with a good meal, haha!
  • Solis: Huh, good thinking.
  • Delivery Girl: Sorry for the wait, boys!
  • Delivery Girl: The restaurant's maid had an issue with some customer again...
  • Solis: Ah. You guys need a hand over there?
  • Delivery Girl: Nah, 's all good now! Don'tcha worry about it.
  • Delivery Girl: Here's your meal! Please, enjoy!
  • Nino: Thank you!
  • Solis: Thanks. Here you are, miss.
  • Delivery Girl: Huh? Excuse me, young lord, but...
  • Delivery Girl: The chef said you already paid for this order.
  • Solis: Yeah, I did.
  • Solis: This is just a tip for you.
  • Delivery Girl: Whoa... seriously!? T-that's a lot!
  • Solis: It's fine. You're working on break, aren't you?
  • Solis: You deserve to treat yourself to something good for that.
Huh. You'd think he's just doing it to show off if this were literally anyone else paying the lady, but it's pretty believable that Helios simply happens to be that nice to people in his town.

Cool, cool, let's just take the food now...


...Or not. She's still holding it.
She's going to hand it over, right? Right?

God, hurry up.

  • Delivery Girl: Wow! Then, um, I'll just gratefully accept your generosity...
  • Delivery Girl: Thank you so much, milord! Really, thanks!
  • Solis: You're most welcome.
  • Solis: Hope you get to enjoy your break soon.
  • Delivery Girl: Well actually, young lord...
  • Delivery Girl: I got just one more delivery today, then I'll be done.
  • Delivery Girl: But, get this...
  • Delivery Girl: It's gotta go all the way to the capital!
  • Solis: Huh, seriously?
  • Delivery Girl: Yeah! Gonna be one hell of a trip, haha!
  • Solis: That's impressive. You're getting orders from the big shots now.
  • Delivery Girl: Yep! Our little restaurant's grown soooo much!
  • Solis: If that's how it is, miss,
  • Solis: Then you might as well start your break in the capital.
  • Solis: The festivities are pretty impressive.
  • Delivery Girl: Oh, for sure! I heard all kinds of stories about it.
  • Delivery Girl: I'm super excited to check out the Dragon Theater...
  • Delivery Girl: Apparently, there's gonna be a special show tonight!
  • Delivery Girl: You gonna go see it too, young lord?
  • Solis: Me? Uh... let's just say...
  • Solis: I haven't decided on that yet.
  • Delivery Girl: Aw, why not? Don't tell me,
  • Delivery Girl: You're still on the clock somehow, too?
  • Solis: Yeah, well, something like that.
  • Solis: But don't worry about it.
  • Delivery Girl: Hmmm, fine. Then...
  • Delivery Girl: I'll just hafta party hard on your behalf!
  • Delivery Girl: One day won't be enough to tour the entire place,
  • Delivery Girl: But I sure as hell am gonna try!
  • Delivery Girl: At least, I wanna check out every single food stall there if I can!
  • Delivery Girl: Gotta bring some souvenirs home, y'know!
  • Solis: Heh. Don't let us delay you any more, then.
  • Delivery Girl: Yeah! Seeya, young lord!
  • Delivery Girl: Thanks again for the tip!
  • Solis: Have a safe trip.
Oh, thank god, she's finally done.
You've finally, finally, got your food.

Now can you leave?
It looks like you can, right?

Well then! Quietly, and without further ado...

  • Solis: Hey, hold on, Mino.
  • Nino: (Ugh...!)


  • Nino: What is it?
  • Solis: Nothing.
  • Solis: You just have some crumbs on your face.
  • Nino: ...Oh.
  • Solis: Here's a tissue.


  • Nino: Um, thanks!
  • Nino: I'll see you later, then.
  • Solis: Ah, wait...


  • Solis: Looks like you've got a little something on your head too.
  • Solis: I'll get that for you.
  • Nino: !?


  • Nino: No, wait, I-!


Oh, god.


You made a huge mistake.


Certainly, he could have checked whether you were human or not the easy way, from the very beginning... but because he didn't bother to do that so far, you assumed he'd never think of it.

That assumption was a critical failure on your part.

So... This is it.
You've lost.


And you're going to die.

Nino: You need to remain calm.
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3 days ago

Nino: Explain that you have a rare birth defect that gives you an exceptionally floppy, hair colored horn, which you are VERY embarrassed about and usually cover up illusionistically. It was VERY rude of him to touch your horn and you now require a much deeper apology.
Aria: Something happened to Nino's disguise!
Lacia: Cut back to YOU, the REAL protagonist! How goes your eternal quest for Kaji's icy heart?

3 days ago

There's only one way those cookies could taste that good... they must've been made of SAND after all!

3 days ago

Nino: Shut up and listen. You need to remain calm, but be ready to draw your sword at a moment's notice. If he's talked with you so much thus far while also suspecting you, then he may still be willing to do so, but he's clearly experienced your kind of manipulation before and recognized it easily (think about it, nobility like him and the monster prince would have to be). You saw what he did to the spirits; you have no chance of beating him by yourself. The ONLY way you may be able to survive this is by speaking honestly with him. At the very least, it can buy you a little more time.

Meimona: Help! The human boy did something stupid and REALLY needs some luck right now!!

"Helios": Welp, that just confirms it. Now what?

3 days ago


3 days ago

It's an impossible hope... but maybe he won't notice?

3 days ago

R.I.P. in peace, Mino. You'll be missed until Nino №4 or whatever appears and replaces you.

Nino: Stab yourself. Heal yourself. You have to act fast.
Nino: Get back to Mei as quickly as possible.
Nino: What's the quickest way out of here?

Aria: Can you still tell where he is?
Reed: You need to hurry.

2 days ago

Nino: “before you say a word, let’s head to my room, I’ve seen what you can do to me, neither of us want to cause a panic here.”

2 days ago

Let's hope that Avery did more than just make your illusion last longer.

2 days ago

Nino: Beg him to at least let Meimona go free. She's not human, after all.
