So all that hospitability was an act, huh?
You were mistaken to assume he'd believed anything.
Now that it's come to this, you'll push against it.
You'll make him feel like he's disrespecting you. Like he's being inhospitable. That should go against his honorable standards and get him off your case!
- Nino: ...You think I was lying the whole time? Why?
- Nino: I'd say you sound overtly wary now!
- Solis: Call me whatever you like, Mino,
- Solis: I still think your actions here were just a bit off.
- Solis: And I don't think it's strange to seek an explanation for them.
- Nino: Right, well, that's fair.
- Nino: But I feel like you're being a bit rude!
- Nino: You're accusing me of lying about everything...
- Nino: Just because I acted a little awkward? Seriously?
- Solis: ...I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
- Solis: And that... wasn't what I actually wanted to ask, either.
- Solis: It just slipped out unintentionally, since I found your actions bizarre.
- Solis: Please excuse me.
- Nino: Ah.
To an observer, this might look like polite conversation.
However, you are fully aware...
One wrong word, and you're done for.
It's a fight that can only be won by thinking ten steps ahead of the opponent.
Nino: You and Mei right now are in mortal danger. The only way to survive this is to tell him the truth. You don't have to tell him you're a human, just that you were lying to him.
As if you'd ever consider being honest now of all times.
Listen. This guy isn't entitled to hear the truth. And, frankly, you don't feel like giving him any bit of it right now. He's in no position to demand it, either.
- Solis: What I wanted to ask is...
- Solis: If you're familiar with spirits, Mino,
- Solis: Don't you also know how to deal with them?
- Nino: Yeah, I do. What about it?
- Solis: Why doesn't your friend, then?
- Solis: I know she's never seen one before.
- Solis: But if you were planning on traveling with her here,
- Solis: Wouldn't you have also thought to teach her about the expected dangers?
- Nino: ...
If he's still on the fence, does he intend to keep questioning you until you either confirm or deny what he suspects? Well, if that's the case, then...
Nino: Just tell him the truth. Maybe he'll be sympathetic to your humanly plight?
Forget all this talk about telling the truth, okay?
You have a much better idea.
If he doesn't want to let you go yet, then how about asking him some questions of your own instead? That's one way to get the topic off of you and Meimona.
- Nino: ...Yeah, I did do that, Helios.
- Nino: She should know how to get past one or two spirits decently enough.
- Nino: But what we were met with wasn't exactly normal.
- Nino: You can understand why that was overwhelming for her, right?
- Solis: Hm... I suppose that makes sense.
- Nino: Actually, Helios, since we're on the topic...
- Nino: This is something I wanted to ask you about!
- Solis: Me?
- Nino: What you did back there to get rid of the spirits,
- Nino: Was that some kind of mercy-kill method?
- Nino: They seemed to fade away immediately, without a struggle.
- Solis: Ah, that...
- Solis: I simply performed an exorcism.
- Solis: Nothing more, nothing less.
- Nino: Huh... so compared to me just fighting them off,
- Nino: Your exorcism kills spirits in a different way?
- Solis: ...It's not more merciful than striking them with your claws, if that's what you're asking. Both methods will kill a spirit. One just works faster.
- Nino: But if you ask me, killing something faster does sound more merciful!
Nino: Prod for information.
- Nino: Plus, you were able to clear the entire area so swiftly,
- Nino: And you didn't even have any problems doing it!
- Nino: It sure sounds handy. I'd like to learn how to exorcise spirits too...
- Solis: Yes, well, you and a lot of others, I'm sure.
- Solis: Unfortunately, it's not exactly common knowledge.
- Nino: Really? But it'd be such a useful skill to have!
- Nino: Can't you just teach us, anyway? You seem like an expert!
- Solis: ...You shouldn't need to know it to get by.
- Solis: In all cases, it's best to just run away from spirits.
- Solis: Only fight them when if really have to.
- Solis: When you do fight, play defensive,
- Solis: And find an opportunity to strike hard enough to dissipate their misty form. Doing that will temporarily kill them, giving you the opportunity to escape.
Is he just beating around the bush?
You can tell that one spirit definitely wasn't normal. It summoned a dozen others out of nowhere, with a single cry... it set up an insane ambush that wasn't anything like Aria and Reed's descriptions.
Plus, for some reason, and even without any evidence...
You just seem to know in your mind that it was not normal. Fighting it with the same approach as regular, weaker spirits is just not effective or safe.
Nino: Prod further.
- Nino: Well yeah... I already do things that way.
- Solis: Then you'll be fine just as you are.
- Nino: Oh, I don't doubt that!
- Nino: But, I don't think my friend would think the same.
- Solis: What do you mean?
- Nino: ...Helios, do you know how long spirits take to regenerate?
- Solis: It varies. Why do you ask?
- Nino: Because you'll know what I mean if you can give me an exact answer.
- Solis: Like I said, it's not consistent...
- Solis: Some spirits reform in a matter of hours. Others take days.
- Solis: Some even need months or years to recover.
- Nino: And is there a way to know how much time a given spirit would need for that?
- Solis: Not really. Maybe if it tells you,
- Solis: But I can't imagine a scenario where that's a plausible event.
- Nino: See, that's exactly the problem!
- Nino: My regular method for fighting spirits is exactly what you described.
- Nino: But no matter what I do, in the end it only temporarily kills them.
- Nino: So, if my friend tells me she's scared to leave town because we might see that same spirit again, I won't be able to convince her that I can take care of things.
- Nino: You see the issue now, Helios?
- Solis: ...
- Solis: ...Are you asking me to escort you out, then?
- Solis: I'd be more than happy to.
- Nino: No, not exactly...
- Nino: I'm just giving you one reason to teach us how to exorcise spirits.
- Nino: That way, we won't have to bother you to help us again,
- Nino: And we'll be able to protect ourselves in the future too!
- Nino: So... how about it?
- Solis: ...Your friend doesn't have to be afraid anymore.
- Solis: What I did back there won't give the spirits a chance to ever show up again.
- Solis: She can rest easy knowing that they're all gone for good.
- Nino: Oh... huh!
It's news to you that spirits actually only temporarily disappear when you "kill" them, but in light of this additional information... exorcisms have got to be something beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person.
People here were calling him "young lord", and treated him like an authority. He's definitely a high-ranking royal guard in this world, and it would seem he's privy to some kind of special technique for killing spirits, as well.
- Nino: Well, that's really good to know!
- Nino: My friend will definitely feel better when she hears about it.
- Nino: Makes me feel even more safe than before, too!
- Nino: Although... you kinda made me look bad back there, you know...?
- Nino: I nearly failed to protect Meimona,
- Nino: But you just removed all threat at the blink of an eye.
- Nino: I'm worried that if I can't prove myself just as capable,
- Nino: Then she's never going to believe that I can protect her again.
- Solis: ...You don't need to be able to do the same things as me to prove yourself.
- Solis: Just do your best with what you can.
- Solis: Sure, you won't be able to rebuild broken trust in a day,
- Solis: But patiently working hard will get you there eventually.
- Nino: ...
Nino: This guy knows more than he's letting on.
Maybe you can use this to get him to leave you alone.
- Nino: Man... some wise words right there.
- Nino: You're right. It won't be easy, but I'll do my best!
- Nino: Still, there is... one thing I'm concerned about.
- Nino: There was a particularly conniving spirit back there.
- Nino: What it did was unlike anything I've ever seen before.
- Nino: It almost had us in its clutches, if not for your help.
- Nino: Are spirits typically, umm... this strategic?
- Nino: Or was that a specific kind of spirit?
- Nino: 'Cause if that's the case,
- Nino: It would be much safer to just exorcise that kind away!
- Solis: You're still going on about that...
- Solis: Look. I can't really teach you anything. Sorry.
- Solis: Besides, you likely wouldn't be able to do it, even if you tried.
- Solis: Not just anyone can, so don't waste your time.
- Nino: Huh... so you're a special sort, then?
- Solis: ...Mino. Since you're so concerned,
- Solis: I'll just escort you to your home. To Red Tulip.
- Solis: That way, I can exorcise every spirit along the way.
- Solis: This should be more than enough, no?
- Nino: ...
- Solis: Ah, after your friend wakes up, of course.
Hi I'm Tired!! That's why the update is up a bit late. But I hope it is enjoyable to read.
nino explodes
I don't think he should though.
ntm on my goat now......
Would make things a lot easier for me if he did
Nino: Stop pushing him about this, dumbass!
Nino: Ask about literally anything else.
Nino: Explain that you are a bit distracted because you're still thinking of all the delicious sand you passed on your way through the desert.
Nino: Go along with it and find some way to ditch him later. If he's as important as he seems, he'll surely have something come up soon, right?
Nino: Tell him you're a bit exhausted after coming all this way, so you'd actually rather stay around here a bit longer before leaving.
Nino: Casually change the topic.
Nino: Just find some way to get away from him for now.
Solis: Red Tulip's a ways away, isn't it? Do you really have time for that right now?
Nino: Accept Solis's offer and thank him profusely; admit how much you were worried about the prospect of further spirit attacks.
And totally not just because some of us want to see what happens when he runs into Five