12 Mar 2025

Nino and Solis: Converse.

You nearly give out a fake name, but you recall at the last second that Meimona had definitely called you by your real name in front of this guy already. You believe that she did it only once, and not very loudly, but still...

There is a chance he heard it.

If that's the case, could asking this question be a test?
He might think the name "Nino" sounds too human. Or, he might've already gotten your name from someone else, somehow, and he's trying to check your truthfulness now.

Or... are you being too paranoid?

Well, no matter which it is, you can't risk anything. However small that chance is, you'd better play around his question just to be safe!

Nino: Be truthful, but keep it vague.

If using a human name is too risky, then...
How about borrowing a name from this very world, instead? That way, there'd be nothing suspicious about it, even if it's a name someone else happens to share.

You quickly scour through your mind for such names.

  • Nino: ...My name's Avery.
  • Solis: Hm...?
  • Nino: Ah, it's not what most people call me, though!
  • Nino: Everybody usually uses my nickname instead...
  • Nino: Mino!
  • Solis: ...Ah.
  • Solis: Your friend did say something like that.
  • Nino: Haha, yeah! Isn't a weird nickname?
  • Solis: Oh, no, it's a fine nickname. Short and easy to remember.
  • Solis: Very unique, too.
  • Nino: My friend used to tease me a lot with it...
  • Nino: But she affectionately gave it to me, so I didn't really mind!
  • Nino: By now, it's what everyone knows me by, heh.
  • Nino: Crazy how we don't get to choose what our friends tease us with!
  • Solis: Ha, that's true...
  • Solis: Sometimes you end up developing a soft-spot for such banter, too.
  • Nino: Yeah! Wow, you totally get it!
  • Nino: You might be the first person to ever get me on that, actually.
  • Solis: Heh. It's nice to meet you, Mino.
  • Solis: You can call me Helios.
  • Nino: Ooh, that's such a cool name...
  • Nino: Nice to meet you too!
Success! He doesn't suspect a thing!
You also managed to grab onto something common between you two.

It may be small, but it's good for a start.

The more he can relate to you, the more likely he is to be accepting of your differences - if they ever become apparent. Hopefully, getting on his good side will also make him go easy on you with any questions he has.

Solis: Inquire.

  • Solis: Alright then, Mino...
  • Solis: You said your home was in Red Tulip?
  • Nino: Yeah! Uh, not that I've travelled this far away before.
  • Solis: So you have never been to Niyran...
  • Solis: Why were you trawling the desert, then?
  • Nino: Um... my winged friend.
  • Nino: She's been feeling really nostalgic for her old home lately.
  • Nino: So I just wanted to do something to make her happy...
  • Nino: And I settled on the idea of taking her on a trip.
  • Solis: Ah... I see.
  • Nino: I guess my plans for it were poorly thought out, huh?
  • Solis: Well, the idea itself might not have been that bad.
  • Solis: As a winged, she'd feel right at home in a desert.
  • Solis: If not for those rogue spirits, of course...
  • Nino: Right? I thought so too!
  • Nino: Man, spirits are just the worst!!!
Hey, are you allowed to toot your own horn for a second here?
'Cause, oh boy, you're great at bullshitting.

Just look at him! Look how he's buying every single word! Hahahah!

Well, you owe it in part to the fact that he's sorta easy to trick. Like, he's made your lie more believable by giving out real winged facts, all on his own!


  • Solis: Yes. They're truly terrible.
  • Solis: But that's all the more reason to stay vigilant.
  • Nino: I still can't believe how many of them there were...
  • Nino: Let me apologize again for the trouble we caused you, Mr. Helios.
  • Solis: It's alright. It wasn't that tough to clean the place up.
  • Solis: But, that reminds me...
  • Solis: You said you were familiar with spirits.
  • Nino: Yeah, I had my fair share of spirit fights before.
  • Solis: I see. If you don't mind me asking...
  • Solis: Where, exactly, did that happen?
Hey now, that question feels a little suspicious!

Even though you can't exactly see what its answer could indicate... It still doesn't feel like the right thing to ask someone under these circumstances, somehow.

Either way, it's time to lie again.
Luckily, you've been told something about this by Reed before.


  • Nino: The forests! You know, near Red Tulip.
  • Nino: There's a lot of spirits there!
  • Nino: But thankfully, they're not very strong.
  • Nino: Nothing like what we saw here, for sure...
  • Solis: ...I see.
  • Solis: And your friend?
  • Nino: Hm? What about her?
  • Nino: I thought I already told you she's never seen a spirit before.
  • Solis: Is that so?
  • Solis: Even though you two came from an area filled with them?
What the... did he not believe your origin story?
Dammit, he really is suspicious of you after all.

Just when you think you might be in good hands, you start sensing a strange angle to his polite words again. Really, you can't let your guard down, ever.

Besides... hasn't this been odd since the very start?

He'd already told the staff to separate the snacks, and was immediately ready to isolate Mei's share. Almost like he was anticipating sitting here with you specifically, whether you were alone or not.

That's not a good sign.

Nino: Keep the conversation off yourself at all costs!

That said... it's not too dangerous right now.

Even if he suspects you're a human right now, he wouldn't suddenly try to kill you. If he was okay with doing something like that, he could've gone for the kill much earlier, in that empty desert.

He could've even kept the whole thing a secret if he did it then and there.

Instead, here you are, safe and sound.
He's brought you all the way here to safety, and is now subtly trying to confirm those suspicions. Makes you think he might lean more on the assumption that you're not a human, for now.

In other words, the odds may still be in your favor.

  • Nino: Whoa, I didn't say she was from there too.
  • Nino: That's only my home, not hers!
  • Solis: ...Ah, so that's how it is.
  • Nino: Yeah, yeah...
  • Nino: I should've been clearer about that, sorry.
  • Solis: Where is her home, then?
  • Nino: Well, obviously - the overworld!
  • Solis: I'm not asking about that.
  • Solis: I'm asking where she's living here, kid.
  • Nino: I-I know, I know! I was joking...
  • Nino: Of course that's not what you meant.
  • Nino: Lighten up a little, would you?
  • Nino: This almost sounds like an interrogation now!
  • Solis: ...Sorry.
  • Solis: I didn't mean to put you on edge.
  • Solis: I used to work as an interrogator, so...
  • Solis: Speaking like that stuck as a habit of mine, I suppose.
  • Solis: Please excuse me.

Nino: Ask him about himself. Totally casual-like and friendly, ya' know?

  • Nino: Oh wow, really!?
  • Nino: That sounds so cool!
  • Nino: So did you interrogate criminals?
  • Solis: ...Sort of.
  • Nino: Wooow, I bet you have all kinds of crazy stories from doing that.
  • Nino: I'd really love to hear some, Helios!
  • Solis: Sure... if we have the time for it.
  • Solis: But that's besides the point, Mino.
  • Solis: Let's get back on our topic.
Damn, how persistent.
He's not going to back off unless your answer satisfies him.

Fine, then. Let's think about this for a second.

Right now, you'll have to run with the assumption that he thinks you're a human. So, if he really did think that, what would he do?

He'll probably... try to get you to slip up somewhere, right?
That would explain why he's questioning you like this.

Nino: Play into the awkwardness of the situation. It'll make you more sympathetic and casual.

In that case, it's best to act natural, and appear as unbothered as possible.
Relax, smile, and eat, like your life isn't in danger.

As for his question...

If pushing back makes you suspicious, you'll pull him in instead.
And you happen to have a topic that's likely to go hand-in-hand with his personality.

  • Nino: Well, about my friend...
  • Nino: I'm actually not sure where she came from,
  • Nino: Since we only recently met, and I'm not that close with her yet.
  • Nino: Sorry, Helios!
  • Solis: Ah. Hm.
  • Solis: Then, I'd like to ask her that and hear her answer.
  • Nino: Sure! Honestly, I'm curious about it myself, too.
  • Nino: But, I can't really ask her right now...
  • Solis: ...Oh, right. You said she's sleeping.
  • Solis: How about after she's awake, then?
  • Nino: I mean, if you reeeaaally want to know, I guess I could do that...
  • Nino: But, well... Meh. Nevermind...
  • Nino: I should really just suck it up and do it anyway.
  • Solis: What? Is something wrong?
  • Nino: Ugh... to be honest, it's gonna be hard to talk to her now.
  • Nino: Because my friend's kinda... upset with me.
  • Nino: I tried to keep that a secret, 'cause I don't wanna worry you...
  • Nino: And besides, her injury is all good!
  • Nino: She's just... disappointed in me, I guess.
  • Nino: I actually came downstairs to run away from confronting her, haha...
  • Solis: Oh... I see.
  • Nino: Sorry, I'm just dumping my problems on you now, aren't I?
  • Nino: Ugh, I can't do anything right. :(
  • Solis: It's alright. Listen, Mino...
  • Solis: I would say the one who deserves the apology is your friend, not me.
  • Solis: You should be more careful where you take her next time.
  • Solis: And you shouldn't rush her around, either.
  • Nino: Right, right... actually, um...
  • Nino: I've been thinking a lot about how to apologize to her.
  • Nino: But I don't even know where to begin!

Nino: Ask Solis (in a totally non-desperate way) if he knows how to properly apologize to someone you may have upset with your stubbornness.

  • Nino: Have you ever made a friend of yours upset before, Helios?
  • Solis: ...Yeah. A few times.
  • Nino: Whoa! Were you able to get them to forgive you?
  • Solis: Kind of...?
  • Nino: Maybe you could give me some advice, then!
  • Solis: Sure... I can.
  • Solis: I'd say, if your friend seems particularly emotional,
  • Solis: Give her some time to cool down and have her emotions settle, first.
  • Solis: And then, when you apologize, well...
  • Solis: Just be honest, and it'll all work out in the end.
  • Nino: ...That's all?
  • Solis: Yeah. You can't go wrong with this method.
  • Solis: After all, despite the fact that you messed up somewhere, you were ultimately thinking of her happiness. I'm sure that'll be something nice to hear.
  • Solis: So, after you say sorry, you should let her know that, at least.
  • Solis: She'll appreciate it, and I'm certain it'll help earn her forgiveness.
  • Nino: Umm, well, I was worried that if I did that...
  • Nino: It'd just sound like I'm making excuses for myself!
  • Nino: Like saying "I know you feel bad, but I'm a good guy, actually, therefore you should just forgive me". Or, "Sorry that you feel hurt, but here's 10 reasons why my actions were actually not bad".
  • Solis: Hahaha! You have a funny way of rephrashing things, Mino.
  • Nino: Haha... but no, really.
  • Nino: You think being honest like that will just work?
  • Solis: Yes, I do. It's only logical that sincerity helps a friendship endure.
  • Nino: Ahhh. Of course... right.
  • Solis: If you're still worried, perhaps I could talk to your friend instead?
  • Nino: Oh, no, I can handle it on my own...
  • Nino: Besides, I'll look even worse if I make someone else apologize for me!
  • Solis: But that's not what you'd be asking me to do, is it?
  • Nino: No of course not, but...
  • Nino: That IS definitely how it'll look to her anyway.
  • Nino: You realize it's not only about my intentions... right?


Of course, you don't actually need his advice.
You only intend to use this situation as a way to connect to him.

Looks like it kind of worked, but...
He seems sad, all of a sudden.

Maybe the topic of friendship isn't a good one.

  • Solis: ...That's true.
  • Solis: In hindsight, I don't know why I suggested that.
  • Nino: It's alright! You're just trying to help!
  • Nino: And I appreciate that a lot. :)
  • Solis: ...Maybe, it's because...
  • Solis: I thought it'd be sad if something like this ruined your friendship.
  • Nino: Oh, no, I don't think... this would do that.
  • Solis: Are you sure?
  • Nino: Y-yeah! It's just a small hiccup, you know?
  • Nino: It'll be okay, your advice is more than enough, haha!
  • Nino: Don't worry about it, Helios.
  • Solis: ...
  • Solis: Say, before what happened today...
  • Solis: Did you get along well with your friend?
  • Nino: Hm? Yeah, more or less.
  • Solis: You said you've only recently met.
  • Nino: Yeah, but we have a lot in common, so we became friendly right off the bat!
  • Solis: Is that so? You also said she teases you often.
  • Nino: Well... that's just our form of banter!
  • Nino: We're still friendly at the end of the day, I'd say. And I think a couple jokes made at each others' expenses only brought us closer, haha!
  • Solis: ...I see...
  • Solis: If you two like to joke around with each other, but your friendship seems to only strengthen because of it, then that's definitely a good sign.
  • Solis: It might mean you've got a friend for life.
What's with this guy? Why's he so concerned about this?
Oh well. If he cares that much, then it's probably a good thing.

Things are sure to proceed smoothly as long as you maintain this connection.


  • Solis: All the more imperative to apologize now, I'd say.
  • Nino: Well, I don't know about that...
  • Nino: I do wanna patch things up with her, but at the end of the day,
  • Nino: Everybody's got their own business to take care of!
  • Nino: We might not get to be together for too long...
  • Nino: But I do have fun being around her right now.
  • Solis: ...I see.
  • Nino: Where's all this coming from, anyway?
  • Solis: Nowhere in particular...
  • Solis: Hearing you talk about friends just reminded me of someone I know.
  • Solis: Sorry. Didn't mean to pry, if it felt like I was.
  • Solis: I was a little worried this incident would harm your friendship with that winged... but after hearing all this, I think you'll do just fine.
  • Solis: Take good care of her, alright?
  • Nino: Oh, yeah, of course...
Strange... he's such an overly honest person for a monster.
You don't think you met anyone like this in Red Tulip.

Not that you dislike his attitude or anything.

In fact, this trait of his is what's making things go in your favor.


There's a lull in the conversation.
So, he's got nothing more to say, huh?

Then, this is your chance to leave...


  • Nino: ...Mmm, those were some good cookies!
  • Nino: I thought the coffee was a bit too bitter,
  • Nino: But it goes along well with something this sugary, haha.
  • Solis: ...
  • Nino: Well, I'd better get going now...
  • Nino: Nice talking with you, Helios!
  • Solis: Hold on a moment, please.
  • Nino: What? What's up?
  • Solis: There's something I want to ask.
Dammit, what is it now?

It'd be bad if he goes back to questioning you again.
You barely managed to wriggle your way out of his last question...

Solis: Inquire as to why Nino is so wary.

  • Solis: ...
  • Nino: W-what is it, man?
  • Nino: You're really glaring at me, you know?
  • Solis: ...Mino.
  • Solis: You never ate or drank anything, did you?
  • Solis: You only pretended to.
  • Nino: ...
  • Solis: So, I was just wondering...
  • Solis: Why you're being so wary of me.

Nino: Apologize to Solis for being paranoid.

  • Nino: ...Oh! So you noticed, huh?
  • Nino: Sorry, I just wasn't in the mood for sweets!
  • Nino: And I thought it'd be impolite to just turn it down...
  • Nino: But I guess it was silly of me to try lying about that instead.
  • Solis: ...I see.
  • Solis: Well, please don't be so nervous around me.
  • Solis: There's no reason to feel that way.
  • Nino: Haha, my bad, my bad!
  • Nino: I just didn't want to make things awkward by refusing the offer.
  • Nino: I mean, it already feels like I've taken way too much as a guest!
  • Nino: You understand where I'm coming from, right?
  • Nino: I-I know you try to treat guests well and all that...
  • Nino: And I do appreciate it! But...
  • Nino: It gets overwhelming at times, that's all.
  • Solis: ...
  • Nino: But wow... you're quite attentive, aren't you?
  • Nino: I guess nothing gets by a guy like you.
  • Solis: ...This is just a personal thing, but...
  • Solis: I really despise liars.
  • Solis: So I'd appreciate it if you didn't lie to me from here on.
  • Nino: ...


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1 day ago

Nino: Be honest, but don't mention Five unless you have to.

1 day ago

this guy sucks

1 day ago
Reply to  pikarai

true, but that's why we love him

1 day ago
Reply to  VBrainer

who would ever love solis

1 day ago

Nino: Gracefully deflect all accusations. Who’s the imposter now, imposter?

1 day ago

Nino: You and Mei right now are in mortal danger. The only way to survive this is to tell him the truth. You were lying about almost everything. You don't have to tell him you're a human, just that you were lying to him.

Solis: "Mino" clearly wants all detail of himself hidden, but could he really be the assassin Tori warned you of? He's quite young... and pretty stupid.

Nino: Maybe you should tell him the actual reason Mei should be mad at you (ie: not healing her despite it being your ability because you wanted to keep it secret).

1 day ago


1 day ago
Reply to  ninohater1988


1 day ago

Wow what a loser

1 day ago

Nino: Eat some sand as a distraction!

1 day ago

Nino: Completely fail to save this.
Solis: Be upfront about your suspicions.
Solis: This seems like the perfect time for a tour! Say, starting with that abandoned building next door where nothing would get damaged if you start flinging fireballs around.

Last edited 1 day ago by Nevermind3476
23 hours ago

Nino: Open the truth door a crack. Admit that Helios scares you.

23 hours ago

Nino's so stupid; He sucks at lying. (Positive)

Nino: Woah, does he think you were lying about being a monster? How rude of him. You can't just say something like that!
Nino: Apologize, tell him your name is actually Bino— Bino Boshenfalls.
Nino: Come up with a story more aligned with reality.

Nino: Tell him some bad people are after you, and that you're currently on the run from them.
Nino: Tell him you've had some bad encounters in the past, and you have a hard time being honest with strangers.

Nino: Tell him you're actually part of a secret royal strike force patrolling the barrier for wayward humans.
Nino: Just tell him the truth. Maybe he'll be sympathetic to your humanly plight?

Nino: Mention Five— a REAL monster— to give your story more validity.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Lunk
22 hours ago

throughout the entire update i had to put my phone down 3 times. These guys are STUPID

21 hours ago

Nino: You didn't eat anything, because those snacks and tea aren't made out of SAND!!!!

16 hours ago

Nino forgor about this guy in Five's story... probably would've opened some possibility to bring up the past and be on friendlier terms.

16 hours ago

then again either her description is too dubious or lacking, or that even if he remembered and knew about solis, he'd probably still be skeptical of him.
