06 Mar 2025

Nino: What can you see out the window?

For a start, you decide to take a better look around the place.
This is a nice room... clean, stylish, and its furniture seems quite comfortable.

You then peer outside the window.
Your room's on the third floor, so from here, you can actually see the whole town!

"Buried Oasis", was it?

Surprisingly, there aren't a lot of people outside. Red Tulip felt more populated than this, even though it was a smaller town...

Perhaps most people are having lunch indoors around this time? Who knows, really!

Nino: What's in that gift box?

This gift box is not a gift box at all!
It is in fact the first-aid kit you recieved from the inn's staff.

You didn't actually need one, but you had to say something to get past that monster dude, you know? It would've looked suspicious if you didn't grab anything. After all, you've kept your ability a secret so far. Because...

You have to make sure he knows as little about you as possible.

You've been in this world before, and were even targetted by a dangerous winged guard. So, it would be for the best if the description these people have on you does not match up with how you were back then.

If you're found out, not only would you be in danger, but Mei might face trouble too. Even though winged are normally a neutral party, siding with a human is likely to make those monsters see her as an enemy!

So, yeah. You'd really rather not risk being recognized here.

Nino: Check the contents of the first aid kit.

You open the case, and see a whole buncha stuff. Bandaids, ice packs, bandages, disinfectant, and some other things... seems pretty standard.

Well, you wouldn't actually know what IS standard for a first-aid kit, since you've never needed to check one before in your life. Why would you, when you've got your handy ability at all times?

...Which reminds you...
You still owe Mei an apology for delaying her healing.

Listen, you just really needed a convincing excuse to get away! If not for that, you wouldn't even have gotten this private room to hide in, you know!? Although, in hindsight... you might have been just a little too paranoid.

Still, you honestly do think it's best to err on the side of caution anyway, even if it entails sitting though some pain or discomfort. Of course, none of what you just thought will matter when you apologize, probably. You gotta do it properly and not sound like you're making excuses for yourself, after all.

Oh well. You'll cross that bridge when you come to it.
Mei doesn't want to talk right now, anyways...

Nino: Check your inventory. It's possible you lost something while you were asleep, after all.

You run a quick inventory check, aaand...
Looks like everything's all good!

You've got your weapon, cake, and of course, the Book of Wonders!

Wait, the book... that gives you an idea.

Nino: Time for some reading. Try a chapter of the Book of Wonders.

Hmm, yes... it might be a good distraction.

You were reading it with Aria last time, though. Dang, things have been so hectic that you never had time to worry about her and the others!

Did they manage to cross the barrier? If so, where could they be right now?

...Sigh. Wherever they are, you hope they're safe.


Your hands trace the book's cover.

Remembering Aria, you make a small wish in your heart to reunite with her and the others soon. You don't know how you'll do that, but you'll try... together, with Mei.

That's an important thing the two of you need to discuss.

Out of respect for your absent reading partner, you decide not to read ahead of her.


...So instead of reading from where you last left off, you just skip ahead to a random page in the book! That's still respectful towards Aria, right???

Of course it is! See, all you have to do to make it up to her is go back and read everything page by page when you're together again!

So let's get going! Boy you're so excited to read more!!!

Nino: Realize your logic is stupid and dumb.

...Err... that didn't make too much sense, did it?
Hey, just ignore it for now, okay!? You need something to keep you busy!

You turn your full attention towards the book, ready to take its wisdom in.

( <-- SCROLL IMAGE --> )

...But, as if mocking your stupidity, it seems that the book opened on a totally illegible page. What the fresh hell are you looking at.

What kind of language is this? Are those even actual letters?
They look like weird hieroglyphs or something...

Dammit, you can't read this at all!

Nino: Check previous page for a hint on how to read the strange script.

Adamant to make this distraction work, you flip one page back.

Your eyes scan the paper. As you take in the words, all of your expectations come crashing down. There's nothing alluding to what that strange language might be.

And, boy... this book's content is as rich as ever. You'd have to sit and ponder on the meaning of every line for way too long to something out of it.

Which you would love to do, but remember, while you're sitting here staring at a book... Mei's right there, sitting in silence and possibly feeling ignored.

Fuck. This was a bad idea, wasn't it?

Nino: Give up.

Ugh, man! You just can't deal with awkward situations like these.

You promptly shut the book, and stow it back into your inventory. Proper reading time will just have to wait, probably until the other bookworm is present. You'll likely get something more useful out of it that way anyhow...

Perhaps it's something to look forward to, as well.

Nino: Think enough time passed to talk to Mei again?

  • Nino: ...Uh... hey, Mei! What are you up to?
  • Meimona: ...Nothing. Just checking my stuff.
  • Nino: Oh, how was it? Anything missing?
  • Meimona: No, nothing is.
  • Nino: That's great!
  • Nino: ...So uh, Mei... I, um... sorry.
  • Nino: I mean, I'm sorry. About earlier.
  • Meimona: ...
  • Nino: I just, uh, wanted an excuse to separate us from the guy.
  • Nino: But I ended up making you feel pain for too long.
  • Nino: So, um. Sorry about that.
  • Meimona: ...It's okay.
  • Nino: G-great! So do you, uhhh... do you forgive me?
  • Meimona: ...Sure. Doesn't matter to me anymore.
  • Meimona: Now can you let me rest?
  • Nino: O-oh... you still don't feel good?
  • Nino: Sorry, sorry! I won't be loud again, then.
  • Meimona: ...It's alright if you understand.
  • Nino: I-I do, but...
  • Nino: Look, Mei. I know you want quiet time and all, but...
  • Nino: I just feel so weird doing this! The whole "sitting in silence" thing!
  • Nino: It's like I'm ignoring you or something.
  • Nino: C'mon, there's no way you'd forgive me just like that, right?
  • Nino: Don't you wanna talk about what's on your mind?
  • Nino: I'm sure that'll help you feel better!
  • Meimona: ...Not really. Not now.
  • Nino: But... why?
  • Nino: You're usually a lot more talkative than this.
  • Meimona: ...
  • Meimona: Nino, I'll be fine.
  • Meimona: You don't have to worry.
  • Nino: Well, that doesn't sound reassuring at all!
  • Nino: Really, is there nothing I can do to make you feel better?
  • Meimona: ...There is one thing.
  • Meimona: If you wanna do something for me... then...
  • Meimona: Just leave me to rest a little, okay?
  • Nino: What? Are you gonna sleep...?
  • Meimona: No. Just rest. Quietly.
  • Meimona: And by myself, if it's okay.
  • Nino: ...Uh...
  • Meimona: Please, Nino?
So she wants to be alone here? Hm...
You suppose this is all probably coming from an emotional place, since it isn't a logical request to ask you to go out there to monsterland at all.

And thus, you suppose, you could be a bit more understanding, and oblige.


  • Nino: ...Okay. Sure.
  • Nino: If you wanna be alone, then...
  • Nino: I'll... go bring the food!
  • Nino: Yeah, that's something I can do!
  • Meimona: ...Yeah. That'd be good.
  • Nino: Um, alright!
  • Nino: So I guess I'll see you later?
  • Meimona: Bye.
Ah, jeez.
Does she really want you out of here that much?

Did you... mess up in an irreversible way?
No, no, surely not, right...?


Guh, well, there's nothing you can do other than leave, for now.

You really hope you can fix this, somehow.
Hopefully, letting her rest will help improve her mood. And, hopefully, the food you get will also be good enough to make the two of you quickly forget about all of this awful awkwardness!

Nino: Exit room.


Nino: Consider exploring the town anyways, or even just talking with a few locals.

Well... obviously, you won't go mingle with monsters, but you suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a quick look outside. Your disguise has held up so far, and it'll hopefully keep doing that. Plus, there aren't many people out there, thankfully.

You're totally running back in the moment things look dangerous, though!

But just before you could set out into town, you're interrupted by...

  • Solis: Oh, hey.
  • Solis: You're right on time.

Nino: ...Him again.

  • Solis: I'm told your food's going to be delivered in a few.
  • Solis: My lunch happens to be arriving with it, too.
  • Solis: I'm waiting for it here, since the staff just put out refreshments for guests.
  • Solis: Come, have a seat. We'll eat together when it arrives.
  • Nino: Ah... no, I... can't.
  • Solis: Why not?
  • Nino: Um, I wanna eat with my friend!
  • Nino: So I'll just take our food upstairs.
  • Solis: Ah, then why not ask her to join us?
  • Solis: The more, the merrier.
  • Nino: N-no... she's resting right now.
  • Nino: I'd really better not let her move around so soon!
  • Solis: ...Because of her injury?
  • Solis: If it's that serious, let's take her to a doctor.
  • Nino: Oh, nah, that's not necessary!
  • Nino: It's all taken care of, trust me.
  • Nino: She just, um... wants to sleep a little.
  • Nino: It's been a long day for her, y'know? Sooo... I'll just take our share of the food when it's here and head back, if you don't mind!

Nino: Looks like someone decided your distraction-pastime for you.

  • Solis: Please, I insist.
  • Solis: The staff said they'll bring cookies to go with the tea soon.
  • Solis: Would you join me for some snacks, at least?
  • Nino: ...Um...
  • Solis: It'll be quick.
  • Solis: I'll let you go once your food's here.
  • Solis: You don't have anything urgent to tend to, do you?
  • Nino: ...
  • Solis: I thought you wouldn't leave your friend's side unless she was doing better.
  • Solis: Was I wrong to assume that?
  • Nino: No, no, you're right, yeah!
  • Nino: S-she doesn't need me right now.
  • Nino: But, now that you mentioned these nice free snacks,
  • Nino: I kinda want to bring her some to eat! So...
  • Young Man: I'm already on it, no worries!
  • Nino: Huh?
  • Solis: Yeah, I figured it's good to deliver a portion of them up to your room when they're ready, so I went ahead and told the receptionist to do it.
  • Solis: But since you're here, you can just eat your portion of the snacks now,
  • Solis: And your friend can have hers when she's awake.
  • Nino: ...Oh.
  • Solis: The tea's going to get cold if you wait too long.
  • Solis: Take a seat, please.
How... overbearingly hospitable of him.

Actually, isn't this a little forceful, even? Err, in a weird way that's open to interpretation, if you had to put it into words.

But he seems so polite that, at this point, you might actually appear suspicious if you keep resisting his generous invitation.

Well, in that case, you could go along with it just to smooth things over a little. Might be a good chance to prod around and see just how suspicious he may be of you - if he even is, right?

Not like Meimona's waiting on you or anything...

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6 days ago

Nino: Keep the conversation off yourself at all costs! Maybe ask about all those signs outside, it seems like there's a story there.

6 days ago

Nino: Tell the monsters you can't eat the snacks because you only eat SAND.

6 days ago

Nino: This kind of hospitality seems built to try to see if you'll do or say anything suspicious, but you're right that refusing would look bad. Accept the invitation, but be very careful with your words. And play into the awkwardness of the situation. It'll make you more sympathetic and casual. Do the Diplomacy.

Solis: Inquire.

Nino: Be truthful, but keep it vague.

Nino and Solis: Converse.

Food: Be delivered.

5 days ago

Translation for the book of wonders pages:

I present to you this incantation,
the "Joy of Wisdom". Invoke it when
you are in distress.

Then, something miraculous might

This symbol is a gift from one who
cannot reproduce, nor live forever,
but may still speak through your

It cannot be called Reincarnation,
but it is the closest one can get,
is it not?

Please treasure this gift,
the "Joy of Wisdom".

(erased) lamp of truth, (erased),
(erased) bifurcate good from evil.

Certainly, in the future it may be
what allows you to learn plenty of
interesting tales, more than
bookends could ever hold.

Tales woven from sorrow and joy,
such as the taste of a good meal, the
coldness of winter, the warmth of

4 days ago
Reply to  Nevermind3476

Has anyone made a full key for this script yet? It'd probably be helpful to have in the case of future appearances.

3 days ago
Reply to  Lunk

We've made one on the discord, idk what the best way to go about sharing it elsewhere would be. would be good to have a more public facing resource for this kind of thing though. something on the wiki maybe?

3 days ago
Reply to  Nevermind3476

there is now a wiki page for this!

5 days ago

I stopped reading in 2022 because of something I cant remember, but yesterday I saw one of those girlfriend memes and I was like, OceanFalls! love your stuff man.

4 days ago

The first aid kit seems to have the cancer sign on it, indicating it to be from Lunalleya. Considering she's a winged, that would make that single first aid kit extremely valuable, wouldn't it?

Nino: Ask him about himself. Totally casual-like and friendly, ya' know?
Nino: Get ready to heal yourself in case the snacks are poisoned.
Nino: Wow, you sure do love monster and hate humans, huh? Imagine being a human, that would suck.
Nino: Show off your cool book to establish superiority.
Nino: Maybe he can help you decipher those two pages you were looking at earlier.

Also, I just want to say that I love how different Solis feels as an antagonist compared to when he's more of a protagonist. He's so friendly and polite it's almost creepy! He really feels like a noble.

3 days ago
Reply to  Lunk

I don't see why a random inn would have something from Lunalleya personally... I think it's more likely that the cancer symbol is just used as a general symbol for medicine. The zodiac are all very famous figures and several of the others have already been shown to have heavily influenced midworld folklore and symbolism, it would make sense for Lunalleya and symbols related to her to end up being seen as a representation of medicine as a whole.

3 days ago
Reply to  Nevermind3476

I'm thinking that it might have gotten there through Solis's family, as being nobles would probably get them access to stuff like this. I could also see it as being representative of medicine generally in the monster, though.

2 days ago

Nino: Apologize to Solis for being paranoid.

Solis: Inquire as to why Nino is so wary.

Nino: Ask Solis (in a totally non-desperate way) if he knows how to properly apologize to someone you may have upset with your stubbornness.

Solis: Have neither the context nor the social skills necessary to give a good answer to that question.

Last edited 2 days ago by Lurking_Chronicler
9 hours ago

Nino:Stop being rude and ask for the monster's name already
Nino: Recognize scary monster guy from Five's drawings
