19 Feb 2025

Aria and Reed: Question the spirit.

  • Reed: You said there was a rift nearby that would lead us to an exit.
  • Spirit: ...Yes. There is one in the proximity of the capital.
  • Spirit: Even now as we speak, it is still open.
  • Spirit: I could lead you there right away, in fact...
  • Aria: No! Not yet!
  • Aria: We're going to find our friends first!
  • Reed: Right. You already know we won't be going anywhere without them,
  • Reed: Even if the exit was right in front of us.
  • Reed: Now, since it would only make us leave faster,
  • Reed: Are you going to tell us where Nino is?
  • Spirit: ...
  • Aria: Come on, talk!

Aria: Ask if it knows where Nino and Mei are. You may not have an exact location, but maybe it can point you in the right direction.

  • Spirit: ...Well, human.
  • Spirit: I don't see any reason to tell you that now,
  • Spirit: Since your friend already knows.
  • Reed: ...
  • Aria: Huh? He does...?
  • Spirit: Aaah, I slipped up just a little bit,
  • Spirit: And it was enough for you to figure out that much!
  • Spirit: You are far brighter than I anticipated, boy.
  • Aria: Wait! W-what about Mei, then? Is she where Nino is?
  • Spirit: If you find that boy,
  • Spirit: You will most certainly find his guardian angel, as well.
  • Spirit: They've become somewhat inseparable, it seems,
  • Spirit: So you have nothing to worry about.
  • Aria: Ah...?
  • Spirit: Alas! Despite my effort in warning you,
  • Spirit: It seems you still wish to walk towards your doom, boy.
  • Reed: ...
  • Aria: What's she talking about, Reed?
  • Aria: You already know where those two are?
  • Aria: And what does she mean by "warning"...?
  • Reed: ...I guess you should hear this, Aria,
  • Reed: Even if there's no chance that it's true.

Aria: Why were the spirits trying to make you leave, instead of killing you outright?

Reed then explains how someone is targeting you all, because you're seen as intruders. But, they sought only to drive you all outside of this world, because they believed you were only here as a result of being misled, and that you would not massacre spirits indiscriminately.

...With the exception of Nino, that is.

  • Reed: ...And they warned me that Nino would even hurt us,
  • Reed: But I don't really buy that part.
  • Aria: Ah, me either!
  • Aria: I mean, it's just hard to believe any of this!
  • Aria: Especially after seeing how he rushed after Mei in the rift...
  • Aria: ...And... how he rushed to save me before, too.
You fondly remember the boy who so willingly traded his life for your own.
He is still in there somewhere... isn't he?

Your heart aches a little.

Ah, no, that's not right. You can't be thinking that way...
As if the Nino you knew had died, or something.

Nino is Nino! He's definitely still the same person you met before.
Even without those memories, you still believe in him.

  • Reed: So, that's how it is.
  • Reed: I want you to explain why you think Nino would kill me, spirit.
  • Spirit: Ah, hah... should I even bother now?
  • Spirit: You place so much trust in him,
  • Spirit: So you probably won't believe anything I say.
  • Aria: Should you bother explaining?
  • Aria: It's only your life that's at stake, I guess.
  • Spirit: ...
  • Spirit: Ha, girl... your point has been made...
  • Spirit: I'll talk.
  • Aria: Good. Go on.

Reed: Ask why Nino would be the cause of your death.

  • Spirit: I've heard it from someone I trust...
  • Spirit: That boy, that "Nino", would bring ruin wherever he went.
  • Spirit: And, if left completely alone...
  • Spirit: He'd even drag well-meaning souls like you two into it.
  • Spirit: I was simply sympathetic, you see, so I tried to warn your friend here.
  • Aria: ...Uh-huh. And what was that someone basing their claim on?
  • Spirit: Haha... this is the part where you definitely get upset at my response.
  • Spirit: It is based on "nothing", because it has not happened yet.
  • Spirit: It is simply a prediction of the future.
  • Aria: Well, that doesn't sound like a very realistic prediction now, does it?
  • Aria: In the first place, the description you gave us is nothing like Nino!
  • Spirit: You don't have to believe it, girl...
  • Spirit: It's only your lives that are at stake, hm?
  • Aria: Why you...! Don't get sassy with me!
  • Spirit: Heh heh. I'm just saying, I take what I've heard as absolute truth.
  • Spirit: If you won't do the same, then that's up to you.
  • Spirit: I'd have done my part by at least passing on the message.
  • Aria: ...Reed. This seems like a worthless line of questioning to me.
  • Reed: I agree. "It's true because it just is" doesn't really mean anything.
  • Spirit: It sounds like a lie, an impossible future to you, I'm aware!
  • Spirit: But, it is... hard to see it as one from my perspective.
  • Spirit: Perhaps he has not acted in that manner now...
  • Spirit: But it is still his crime, for it is still within his capabilities,
  • Spirit: And is most definitely a choice he could easily make.
  • Aria: Huh? Are you hearing yourself right now? You're talking nonsense, lady!
  • Spirit: Ha, haha... "nonsense", you say...?
  • Spirit: But those predictions might as well be facts to me!
  • Spirit: The way I see it, I was only attempting to stop the inevitable.
  • Reed: Ok. Yeah. You can stop talking now.
  • Reed: Nino's not gonna go on a bloody rampage here, no matter what you say.

Reed: Does it know anything about the professor?

  • Reed: What about the professor?
  • Reed: Do you know anything about him, or where he is?
  • Spirit: Hmm... there is one thing.
  • Spirit: It's not news to you, however...
  • Spirit: The fact that he has spent a good amount of time placing hidden contraptions all over the world.
  • Reed: ...I know that, yes.
  • Spirit: As for why he'd done so, well...
  • Spirit: I couldn't tell you!
  • Spirit: Not unless I meet him myself, and sneak a peek into his mind.
  • Reed: ...
  • Spirit: Heheh... are you tempted to try that?
  • Spirit: Perhaps you want to take me with you on your journey now, hm?
  • Reed: Fuck no.
  • Spirit: Ahahahah! I jest, I jest...
  • Spirit: I don't even know where that man is!
  • Spirit: And I'd much rather go back and be with my kind again, anyhow.

Aria: Ask if they know any spirits from near the forest you first found Nino. Maybe one will have seen five before Nino found her.

  • Spirit: Hm... I don't know.
  • Spirit: That child in your memories,
  • Spirit: I've never seen her before.
  • Spirit: I've also never heard any of my fellows talk about a kid like that, either.
  • Aria: Ah... that's kind of useless.
  • Spirit: Sorry, girl, but it really is all I know.

Aria: Ask the spirit who it's "master" is. Perhaps they're the "she" it was talking about?

  • Reed: ...Aria, lower your weapon.
  • Reed: I know everything I need to know now.
  • Reed: We're done here.
  • Aria: ...Well, I'm not done yet!
  • Aria: I still have questions.
  • Aria: And you, you're going to answer.
  • Spirit: Aha, ha, ha, human...
  • Spirit: I've never felt more fear than I do now,
  • Spirit: Facing you with your axe to my throat!
  • Spirit: I must admit, you're a fearsome girl.
  • Aria: ...Keep the commentary to yourself.
  • Aria: Who's your master, spirit?
  • Spirit: I cannot say.
  • Aria: ...I don't think you're lying about the fear you feel.
  • Aria: I can see so clearly it in your eyes.
  • Aria: So why start withholding information now?
  • Spirit: Aha, you misunderstand.
  • Spirit: It's not that I don't want to say it,
  • Spirit: But I cannot, even if I wanted to.
  • Spirit: I certainly don't want you to slice my head clean off!
  • Spirit: But, girl...
  • Spirit: It just so happens that you're too late to be asking this question now.
  • Spirit: By the time you'd arrived to this world...
  • Spirit: My hands were already tied, and my lips, sealed.
  • Spirit: I simply cannot reveal anything about my master.
  • Aria: Then should I make your head roll?
  • Spirit: Ha, haha...!
  • Spirit: The alternative isn't any better, girl!
  • Spirit: I'm between a rock and a hard place, you know...


  • Spirit: Were I to betray my master...
  • Spirit: The last bit of flame in my soul will be forcibly extinguished.
  • Spirit: I'd die so pathetically, a death even worse than beheading.
  • Aria: So, between your master and I...
  • Aria: You fear her more?
  • Spirit: ...Well now, let's just say...
  • Spirit: I have no choice but to hope that you're the more merciful one, don't I?
  • Spirit: Especially if you intend to maintain our truce here...
  • Spirit: Really, I pray you're not someone who goes back on their word.
  • Aria: ...
  • Aria: Well, you did confirm that she exists.
  • Aria: So there is that, at least.
  • Aria: You get to live.
  • Spirit: ...Phew!!!
  • Spirit: Oh, these intense feelings!
  • Spirit: Intense fear, followed by this, this...
  • Spirit: Overwhelming sense of relief!
  • Spirit: Why, it's incomparable to anything else in the world!
  • Spirit: No wonder we were all so lost...
  • Spirit: We've forgotten what it's like to be free again!
  • Spirit: Truly, only facing death could rouse us from this stupor!
  • Spirit: Ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaah!
  • Aria: Ugh... she's just being weird now.
  • Aria: I'm done here, Reed.
  • Aria: Although...

Reed: Ask if they need to be stronger, if spirits stopped attacking in general, could they live happy lives, alongside monsters.

  • Aria: I know I said I'd go along with this truce if it would benefit us,
  • Aria: But who says just sparing her life guarantees anyone's safety?
  • Aria: And, for that matter...
  • Aria: What if she goes and kills someone else, like spirits normally do?
  • Aria: Won't that basically be our fault, Reed...?
  • Spirit: Ah. You're generalizing us, human.
  • Spirit: There are some of us who know how to exist without killing.
  • Spirit: And I happen to be one such spirit.
  • Spirit: Really, only I came after you because of my master's command!
  • Spirit: So, if you do let me go now...
  • Spirit: Then I will have nothing more left to do with you!
  • Aria: No, no, just stop... I don't even want to talk to you.
  • Aria: I honestly can't bring myself to trust a single word you say!
  • Reed: Look, we have to humor her for now, or we'll get nowhere.
  • Aria: Ugh... fine. You do it, then.
  • Reed: ...Spirit, if what you're saying really is true,
  • Reed: Then is there no chance that all the others could be like you?
  • Reed: You know, being able to coexist with monsters and all.
  • Spirit: ...No. Well, you should know...
  • Spirit: Spirits that kill are only doing it to survive in the first place.
  • Reed: Well, why do they have to do that, exactly?
  • Reed: What do spirits gain from killing people?
  • Spirit: ...Our existences are weak and faint.
  • Spirit: We are constantly on the verge of disappearing.
  • Spirit: It's a problem, because us spirits have some deep desires that we spend the entirety of our short-lived existences trying to fulfill...
  • Spirit: And no spirit wants to "die" without fulfilling said desires.
  • Spirit: However, we can get some "extra time" if we consume living souls,
  • Spirit: And strengthen ourselves, to avoid "death" longer.
  • Spirit: That is why they kill and kill, human...
  • Spirit: While waiting for the day they can finally accept death with open arms.
  • Reed: ...What about you, then?
  • Reed: If you have a method to survive without killing,
  • Reed: That means there IS a way other spirits can coexist with monsterkind.
  • Spirit: Haha... killing to keep on living is just one way for us to live longer.
  • Spirit: Many spirits end up making that choice, but I do not wish to.
  • Spirit: Instead, I have chosen to find fulfillment by following a master.


  • Spirit: Someone... who would give me purpose.
  • Spirit: And with purpose comes enough strength to live, a reason to exist.
  • Spirit: I suppose it helps that I happen to have a stronger soul than most, too.
  • Spirit: So I have not found myself forced to kill anyone for survival.
  • Spirit: Other spirits aren't as lucky as I am.
  • Spirit: In this world... there's hardly anyone as understanding as my master.
  • Spirit: Yes, things would be different if ordinary living people understood our plight, and lent us a hand. But we're feared, and seen as a danger...
  • Spirit: Perhaps it's a sort of self-perpetuating cycle.
  • Spirit: They shun us, leave us to die from weakness.
  • Spirit: Then we kill them, to regain our strength, and avoid death.
  • Spirit: And so, many spirits just have to keep killing...
  • Spirit: Otherwise they'll disappear, regretful and broken.
  • Spirit: I certainly don't know the solution to this cycle,
  • Spirit: And neither could the two of you find one.
  • Spirit: This is just how things are.
Reed: Yeah, this is fascinating, but she's right that neither of you can fix this and you've got more pressing things to deal with.
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1 month ago

Aria: You're already well aware of spirits feeling forced to kill in order to survive. You've been sympathetic to their plight before, is it really so hard to believe there could be a real solution to it?

Reed: Yeah, this is fascinating or something, but she's right that neither of you can fix this and you've got more pressing things to deal with.

1 month ago

Aria: What are these "deep desires?"
Aria: Why would such an understanding master kill her followers for revealing her identity to someone?
Aria: Give up on this questioning.
Reed: It's time to leave, there's nothing more to gain from this spirit.
Reed: Isn't it strange for none of these spirits to have seen Five when she was in a forest full of them?

1 month ago

Spirit: There’s always a choice, you could ask for help from people desperate enough to need any services and good enough to be safe to help. Isn’t whatever business you have to finish enough to empower a spirit without needing to live for another’s sake?

Aria & Reed: She’s being honest enough. It is known that in patterns of dangerous times, spirits are more active, they’re smart enough to communicate, and that they need to survive through predating on others. And quite frankly, if what’s she’s saying is true, you don’t have enough tools in this world to take out whatever master the spirits serve. Spare this spirit, and alternate between talking down and finishing any others that get in the way. Try to find everyone missing with the resources you have.
