16 Feb 2025

Solis: Listen in as you treat her.

  • Meimona: Umm, mister... the thing I saw...
  • Meimona: That wasn't really who I thought it was, right?
  • Solis: No, not at all.
  • Solis: Spirits disguise themselves in convincing ways,
  • Solis: All to lure unsuspecting people in.
  • Solis: So it's not the same person at all,
  • Solis: Even if it looked like someone you know.
  • Meimona: ...I see...
  • Solis: You shouldn't let it bother you.
  • Meimona: Well... I know that, but...
  • Meimona: The things it said...
  • Meimona: Did they mean anything?
  • Solis: Not in the slightest.
  • Solis: A hungry spirit doesn't act in good faith.
  • Solis: It was just looking for the most hurtful things to say, in order to trick you.
  • Solis: Believe me, you can ignore literally everything it told you.
  • Meimona: Oh... really?
  • Solis: Absolutely.
  • Solis: Don't waste your energy worrying about its lies.
  • Meimona: I-I see. That's good to know...
What... so Mei was left that shocked from the encounter?
You were under the impression that slaying the bad spirits would've resolved everything, but it looks like there was more to it from her side.

What did she even see, or hear before you got there...?

Meimona: Tell him what you saw.

  • Meimona: Um, if there won't be any more spirits attacking us,
  • Meimona: Then that would make me a lot less scared.
  • Meimona: But I still feel... confused.
  • Meimona: It, it feels like...
  • Meimona: I might have forgotten something important.
  • Meimona: That spirit, it really messed up with my head.
  • Meimona: I know that it was bad...
  • Meimona: After all, it wanted to kill me.
  • Meimona: But, somehow...
  • Meimona: I feel like we could've changed its mind... maybe
  • Solis: Negotiating with a spirit?
  • Solis: That's nonsense.
  • Solis: You just said it yourself, didn't you?
  • Solis: It wanted to kill you.
  • Solis: So there was no choice more sensible than to kill it first.
  • Meimona: ...Right... yes...
  • Meimona: I know that that's what makes sense...
  • Meimona: But I somehow still feel really guilty.
  • Solis: ...Hm.
  • Solis: Sometimes, spirits can appear so lifelike.
  • Solis: Perhaps that's why you're conflicted.
  • Solis: Well, don't think like that.
  • Solis: That's all just a trick.

Solis: Comfort the injured traveler.

  • Solis: No one really regards spirits as living beings.
  • Solis: They're more akin to a force of nature.
  • Solis: So, just like how you shield yourself from rain,
  • Solis: Or seek shelter during a storm,
  • Solis: You also avoid coming into contact with spirits.
  • Meimona: ...
  • Solis: And if we were to regard them as living beings,
  • Solis: Then they would be seen as predators. Our predators.
  • Solis: If a hungry wolf attacked someone in the forest,
  • Solis: Would you blame them for killing it in self defense?
  • Meimona: ...No.
  • Solis: Of course not, right?
  • Solis: Just think of it the same way, then.
  • Solis: Even the smallest, most domesticated of animals usually get put down immediately if they go rabid and start hurting people.
  • Meimona: ...
  • Solis: So, if spirits attack innocents like you,
  • Solis: Then they simply deserve to die for that.
  • Meimona: ...Okay... I'll, I'll try.
Uh... well.
It seems like this guy kinda knows what he's doing.
He's better at getting a response from Mei than you are, at least.

That's good for her...
But, overall, it kinda doesn't bode well!

You'd rather the two of you get as far away from him as possible, and fast.


Solis: Help her up.

  • Solis: Excuse me.
  • Meimona: Woah!
  • Solis: I can just carry you there.
  • Solis: Now let's get going.
What the heck!

Not only does this guy look so strong, but he actually is! You probably wouldn't be able to lift anyone so effortlessly like that, even if it's a girl...

This moment continues to be the most frightening one of your life.

Really, who in the world did you just run into...?
Whoever he is, you hope you can just ditch him as soon as possible.

Nino: Meimona looks shaken up. Don't leave her hanging!

  • Nino: Wait, uhmmmm!
  • Nino: I think it's better if I do that instead!
  • Solis: Yes, boy?
  • Solis: As I said, Buried Oasis is nearby.
  • Solis: So, shall I get your friend there for some treatment?
  • Nino: ...Uh... Yeah, but...
  • Nino: My friend's not really... in the right state, y'know?
  • Nino: She'd much rather be in my hands than a stranger's right now!
  • Solis: Oh, my apologies.
  • Solis: I didn't mean to cause you any discomfort.
  • Meimona: I-It's okay...
  • Nino: H-haha, ermmm, I'll take it from here!
  • Nino: Just show us the way to town, alright?


  • Nino: So uh, um, could you...
  • Nino: Hand me...
  • Nino: The girl.
  • Nino: Please?
  • Solis: ...
  • Meimona: ...
  • Nino: Haha.
You pretend you did not just pick an awfully awkward choice of words for that request.
You also pretend to not notice the fact that both Mei and this monster guy can easily tell how awkward you're acting.

Please, for the love of god...

You just want to not be near a monster right now!

Solis: Hand him the girl. Please. Haha.

You carefully take hold of Meimona.
...Come to think of it, you've kinda had to do this a lot today, huh?
Not that you're complaining!

She's pretty light.
Is this just a Mei thing, or a winged thing in general?

You guess it'd make sense if all winged's bodies are simply light enough to allow them to fly. Also, you're glad that this makes you look super not-weak as a result!

  • Nino: Mei, you good to go?
  • Meimona: ...Mm.
Not much of a response... she's so unlike her usual self.
Maybe she's still in pain from her injury?

Of course, you could've healed it again right away, but...

Having this kind of excuse on hand is a good way to get you away from this guy.
Mei just has to grit her teeth and bear it, for now...

Nino and Mei: Having a monster escorting you could be risky... but the security couldn't hurt and you have no idea where you are.

  • Nino: Sorry. I know it hurts.
  • Nino: But hang on a little, okay?
  • Nino: I'll fix that wound up again soon.
  • Nino: (...When we're out of his sight.)
  • Meimona: ...
...Huh... maybe she's feeling a little embarrassed?
Well, this is admittedly a bit embarrassing for you too!

To your knowledge, you've never held a girl in this manner before. You'd probably have gone with a less embarrassing carrying position if you could've, like giving her a piggyback ride or something...

But, honestly, all your potential shyness is currently overshadowed by how nervous that monster's presence makes you feel.

There's no choice but to do things this way.

Nino: Check to see if the monster is invited to the party!

Ugh, well... no surprise there.
Of course he's with you now.

He's even taken your spot as leader for the time being, perhaps because you've both agreed to follow him now. And there's the fact that you probably can't regain control of your group just yet...

It's a little scary to think about all of this, isn't it?
Well, you might be traveling together for a bit, but you'll do your best to maintain a safe distance from him throughout the trip.

Nino: Are you absolutely certain you've never seen this monster before? Not even in a picture?

Yes, absolutely! You're sure you'd recognize him if you did.
His sorta-generic appearance and simple clothing might look easy to forget, but that powerful ability certainly isn't.

Aside from that, the only other thing you've deducted about him so far is that he acts like a pretty sincere person, and seems very honest... which definitely helps him gain people's trust simply by acting that way, as he'd just demonstrated with Mei.

Perhaps it's similar to how you talk people into doing what you want?
Only a lot less sneaky, you think.

Aria and Reed: Question the spirit.
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1 month ago

the long awaited return of the stats page....

1 month ago

hey. hey. nino. look at all that sand. on the ground, in the air even. doesn't it just look delicious. don't you just want to take a bite. you should eat the sand nino. eat the sand.

1 month ago

Nino: You could maybe learn a thing or two from this guy. You don't have to act so underhanded to get what you want, just be honest. Like what you and Aria talked about.

Solis: Since you're gonna be guiding these two for a while, you should properly introduce yourself. You also didn't catch Cape Kid's name.

Mei: Surely Nino could've just healed you immediately, right? Why did he feel like he had to hide it from this guy? (Also wow he is super close to you right now)

1 month ago

Nino: In Red Tulip Town there was a healer that specialized in plants. It's absurd trying to hide your healing ability when it's common amongst monsters as well.

1 month ago
Reply to  exoni1

I actually think it's pretty smart of Nino to try and hide it. He might be able to use it to get an upper hand later if he's discovered + I'm pretty sure Kotori knows he has a healing ability, which Solis could have learned from her.

Last edited 1 month ago by Lunk
1 month ago

Solis: Lead the way.
Solis: They might already know who you are, but introduce yourself just be safe.
Nino: Don't give him your real name.
Nino: With that much sincerity, it's probably safe to assume he's not trying to trick you, at least.
Nino: Try and take the role of Party Leader back!
Nino: See if you can draw some information about the area from him.

Solis is so awesome in this update and Nino is just so pathetic...

Lay's Chips
Lay's Chips
1 month ago

> Nino: Even though you're afraid, the worst thing that could happen now is if the stranger notices your apprehensiveness. It's also impolite to not even know the name of the monster who came to your rescue. Use some diplomacy and get more info on your location.

Pun Lord
Pun Lord
1 month ago

Nino: Things could be a lot worse. Even if this is considered the frying pan, you got out of the wildfire of spirits you were dealing with. Just look out for Mei and explain that you were traveling to find some friends of yours. Meibe rely on your current luck and ask the honorable man who helped you how to deal with future phantoms you may come across?

1 month ago

where she freckles on the panel under "hand him the girl. please. haha"........

1 month ago

also thank you nights for providing so many panels in which solis makes nino look incredibly lame by comparison. i am currently using them to shill ocf to my friends
