06 Oct 2024

Nino: Can healing substitute his need for borrowing?

  • Nino: Then...
  • Nino: Are you okay with disappearing, Avery?
  • Nino: You agreed to what I asked, even though, going by what you said,
  • Nino: I pretty much just asked you to die, didn't I.
  • Nino: Is that really okay with you?
  • Avery?: ...
  • Nino: ...Of course not, huh.
  • Nino: You were right.
  • Nino: It's not easy to just ask anyone to accept something like that,
  • Nino: Even if it's a spirit.

  • Nino: So instead, how about... if we give you a reason to be fulfilled instead?
  • Avery?: Huh...?
  • Meimona: Right! You said spirits harm people because of their regrets, right?
  • Meimona: Soooo, couldn't fixing what's making you all bummed out be the solution?
  • Avery?: That's... true, yes.
  • Avery?: But there has never been anyone who said they'd help us do that,
  • Avery?: Much less, understood us enough to think of it...
  • Nino: Well, even though I'm not sure what exactly my healing did,
  • Nino: It seems to be helpful to you, no? So maybe...
  • Nino: If I just heal you every once a while, you won't need to "borrow" anymore?
  • Meimona: That's a neat idea! It does look like it's working so far.
  • Avery?: Oh... I-I don't know, I don't know if it's really okay, but...
  • Avery?: I also... don't want to disappear.
  • Avery?: So maybe... I can consider it...
  • Avery?: Ah, but only if you don't mind that, h-human!
  • Nino: ...Not at all.
  • Nino: It's not like this is hard for me to do or anything.
  • Meimona: So, so, does this mean you're on board with my suggestion, Avery?
  • Avery?: Umm...
  • Meimona: Ooooh, we're gonna get a SPIRIT companion, aren't we!?
  • Meimona: How WEIRD and COOL is that!!!
  • Nino: I mean, we already had a ghost-dog before...
  • Nino: Is a spirit that much weirder by comparison?
  • Meimona: I dunno! I just think it'll be really awesome. :]
  • Avery: ...

Meimona: Perhaps Avery can pay his debt by guiding you through the desert! Maybe that would make him feel less bad about the situation.

  • Meimona: Also, I have an idea, Avery!
  • Meimona: You said you wanted to repay us, right?
  • Meimona: So, as a favor, why don't you guide us around the desert here?
  • Avery?: H-huh? Guide you... where?
  • Meimona: ...Good question. ():|
  • Avery?: Well... I know the way to a big town in the desert... but...
  • Avery?: You... want to go to a monster town, really?
  • Meimona: No, no, obviously not that!
  • Avery?: R-right...
  • Nino: Man, finding everyone else will be a problem.
  • Nino: We have no leads to begin with!
  • Avery?: ...
  • Meimona: Then where should we even go, for now?
  • Nino: Let's take cover first.
  • Avery?: ...Hmm...
  • Nino: It's better if we can go somewhere more conspicuous,
  • Nino: So we don't run into any monsters unexpectedly.
  • Meimona: Yeah, that could be real bad for you!
  • Avery?: ...
  • Nino: Yep... I really hope our noisy fight didn't attract attention.
  • Nino: As things are, I can't risk staying in one spot too long at all!
  • Nino: So let's get moving first, and see what we find.
  • Avery?: ...Aaah! I got it!

Avery?: You can't see people's memories anymore, but are you still able to create illusions?

  • Avery?: I figured it out, h-human!
  • Avery?: Um, I thought of something to do just now!
  • Avery?: I know... how to repay you!
  • Meimona: Huh? Is that what you've been thinking about this whole time...?
  • Avery?: Well, umm... maybe it won't be much, but...
  • Avery?: I-I have something that might be a little bit useful to you.
  • Nino: Do you now...
  • Avery?: A-aah, sorry! I shouldn't get your hopes up...
  • Avery?: I'm... I'm really low on energy, so I can't do anything amazing, b-but!
  • Avery?: Even if it's something small, please... allow me to help you a little.
  • Avery?: You... wear an illusory mask.
  • Avery?: I noticed that it has been thinning out, slowly...
  • Avery?: So, do you want me to... strengthen it?

  • Nino: ...You mean my monster disguise?
  • Avery?: Yes, that! I could help with it...
  • Avery?: I can make it so it lasts an even longer time, if you want...
  • Avery?: That's the only thing my illusions can do right now.
  • Nino: S-seriously!? Whoa!
  • Meimona: Oh my gosh, yes!
  • Meimona: That would actually be huuuge, Avery!
  • Avery?: W-wha... really!?
  • Meimona: Absolutely!
  • Meimona: It'd be super bad if Nino's disguise failed, and a monster saw him...
  • Meimona: And illusions are something neither of us can do anything about,
  • Meimona: So I think it'll be a big big help!
  • Nino: Yeah, if you can actually do something about it, that'd be great!
  • Avery?: Really!? T-then...!
  • Avery?: I'll do it! I'll repay you, human!
  • Avery?: So, please...


  • Avery?: Don't k-kill me.
  • Nino: ...
A thought suddenly crosses your mind.

If, for a split second, you were willing to overlook certain details...
The being before you would appear exactly like a traumatized, scarred human child, wouldn't it?

Nino: Doesn't that sound familiar?

  • Avery?: T-there! That should last you much longer now...
Afraid of everything around him, always negotiating for his safety, as if one needs a reason to justify their existence. And, although he's constantly yearning to please anyone who seems to accept his existence...

He is also extremely afraid of losing this refuge if he's perceived as inadequete.

You hate to say it at this point, but...
It is indeed all too familiar, and especially... somewhat lifelike.


  • Nino: Hey... by any chance...
  • Nino: Are you an Umbran?
  • Avery?: ...!?

  • Avery?: W-why do you say that...?
  • Nino: ...Just a guess.
  • Nino: Since you kind of looked a little like one.
  • Nino: But I'm probably wrong... right?
  • Nino: Because your eyes are blue, not purple.
  • Nino: And in the first place, you're just a spirit...
  • Nino: That has nothing to do with living humans, does it?
  • Avery?: ...
  • Meimona: Huh...
  • Nino: ...
  • Avery?: Um... I don't really... know what I am anymore,
  • Avery?: But I like thinking that I am "just" a spirit now.
  • Avery?: Yeah, n-nothing more, nothing less!
  • Avery?: That's what you should see me as, h-haha...!
  • Nino: ...


  • Meimona: ...Um, Nino... what you just said...
  • Meimona: Maybe I'm wrong, but...
  • Meimona: Do you think that spirits might actually be-
  • Avery?: Y-YOU GUYS!

  • Avery?: H-hey, you have to get out of here, right!?
  • Avery?: One of you is a human, in the world of monsters!
  • Avery?: S-so... do you want me to take you back?
  • Avery?: I think, I remember a place...
  • Avery?: It has an opening in the wall, where you can exit!
  • Meimona: ...You mean a rift, right?
  • Meimona: But we can't go back yet!
  • Nino: That's right.
  • Nino: We can't leave without everyone else.
  • Avery?: S-so then, that means...
  • Avery?: There's nothing else I can do for you now,
  • Avery?: Right?
  • Nino: Right... you did what you could.
  • Avery?: ...I see...
  • Avery?: Was that enough?
  • Nino: What do you mean... "enough"?


  • Avery?: The only thing I could do is promise that, from now on,
  • Avery?: I will definitely not trouble anyone.
  • Avery?: And, after using my illusions for you,
  • Avery?: Everything else I have left... doesn't seem to be useful to you.
  • Avery?: But, what little I could give to you...
  • Avery: Was it enough, after all?

  • Avery?: Was I... good enough?
  • Meimona: Avery...
  • Nino: ...
  • Avery?: P-please, just... say yes.
Something stirs at the back of your mind.

These are not the words of a child who wants simple praise.
Instead, these must be the pleas of someone seeking some sort of closure. They have to be, in fact. Because, if not, then...

Why else would it feel like he's saying goodbye?


You suddenly notice that Avery's presence feels thinner than before.
Somehow, it's like he could simply cease to be at any moment now, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

If that's the case, then...

At times like these, are you meant to hang on?
You mean... you can't just let go, right...?

  • Nino: U-um...
  • Meimona: ...Really, Nino...
  • Meimona: Are spirits just...
  • Avery?: Don't say it!
  • Avery?: You can't... say it.
  • Avery?: Whatever you're thinking right now, it's... it's...
  • Avery?: It's something no one can ever acknowledge.
  • Avery?: No, even if you say it...
  • Avery?: Soon enough, you aren't even going to remember it.
  • Avery?: So... it'll be better if you just stop now.
  • Meimona: W-we won't remember it...?
  • Nino: What... the hell do you mean by that!?
  • Avery?: Because... it's against the laws.
  • Avery?: And talking about things like that only gets you in trouble.


The fact that they can look so lifelike... the fact that they linger around, seeking some sort of fulfillment...

And the fact that they could apparently end up acting just like someone who's died with plenty of regrets, now hanging on desperately for a second chance, is...

Something that no one can acknowledge?

  • Avery?: It's all meaningless, anyway.
  • Avery?: No one cares about us. They just can't.
  • Avery?: So please... just don't say it, okay...?
  • Avery?: It'll be easier for everyone that way.
  • Avery?: And, instead of thinking about all of that...
  • Avery?: I want... to hear your answer.
  • Avery?: There's not a lot of time left...
  • Avery?: I'm telling you now that this is all that I am.
  • Avery?: That, in the end, a little illusion was everything I could offer.
  • Avery?: So please... just...
  • Avery?: Tell me that everything I could provide was enough.
  • Avery?: Say that I fulfilled my purpose.
  • Avery?: Just, just this once... I'd like to hear something like that.
  • Avery?: ...Please...
  • Nino: ...
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9 days ago

Peak fiction

9 days ago

no inspirational speech today im sorry

9 days ago
Reply to  ruitlover6969

collect my pages

8 days ago
Reply to  suvilover420

who do you think you are? slenderman?

8 days ago
Reply to  ruitlover6969

never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you

7 days ago
Reply to  ruitlover6969

more epic oceancontent

9 days ago

Nino & Mei: Thank him.

Avery: Rest at last.

Nino & Mei: You cannot afford to forget what Avery told you. If you can think of any way to record this information, do so fast. Cut it into your skin if you have to.

9 days ago
Reply to  VBrainer

Nino: Look in the Book of Wonders. Didn't it have a section on life after death?

8 days ago

Nino: It was more than enough.
Nino: What are you going to do now?

Well, this update's a bit depressing, but it's very interesting that people are apparently completely unable to realize the fact that spirits are dead humans / monsters / winged, especially considering the fact that Kotori has directly acknowledged it before. (On page 193) And, in the first place, who would have the power to make a "law" like this reality other than the Prosperous / current monarch? Considering the fact that Kotori seems to utilize spirits, it's not impossible that this "law" exists for the purpose of weakening her forces, which would be an interesting bit of evidence for the Kotori the Unforseen theory.

8 days ago

oh my GOD

8 days ago

Nino: Yes. You did more than enough.

8 days ago

Mei: are you sure you want to go? This can’t be the only option.

Nino: take his hand.. let him feel some sort of warmth even if he chooses to fade

2 days ago

Nino: There’s no guarantees, but you can try. Use healing hands to help Avery. And if it fails, thank Avery for the information about spirits most haven’t known being given to you. And that you’ll use it well. There’s no shame in doing what you can if there’s little you can do.
