26 Dec 2024

Miraculous Night - LOG #1.

00:00. 12th of Sapphire Ocean.
It is now the 25th of the month.
This experiment is concerned with "approximating the behavior of a hypothetical existence". More specifically, it shall be conducted with the goal of communicating with a "farther existence".
Everyone has an idea of what a "higher existence" is, such as a Celestial. But a "farther existence" refers to anything hypothesized to exist beyond our reach, in a literal sense. Both of them could be seen as "existences beyond our comphrehension", in their own ways. I mean, I can't say I fully grasp what its like to exist as a celestial... but as great as they are, they still live in the same world as a weak little human like myself, governed by the very same laws of physics.
In contrast, the idea that something, or someone, might be watching us from somewhere beyond our reach, is a lot less comprehensible to me. I can't even begin to imagine what that thing... or person, would be like... if they even exist!
Frankly, the very basis of this hypothetical sounds quite ridiculous, and I don't know why my teacher even believes in it. Plus, it gets weirder and weirder when you consider the way she wants to prove it. I mean...

It's just an arificial intelligence that she created and trained.
How, exactly, is that going to tell us anything?
An AI's behavior is entirely dependent on what it has been trained on, but you can't train it on what you don't know in the first place! We're talking about hypothetical entities that we've never even met, let alone actually know exist...
So isn't it all just a fictionalization from the professor's own mind?
It's not like this is a spiritual posession, like channeling the soul of a person. It's just code on a computer!
And yet... the way she's treating it is a lot like that.
Really, I was getting kind of worried seeing her mix up spiritual mumbo-jumbo with technology like this. And normally, going along with this kind of idea would just leave a bad taste in my mouth. To begin with, I'm supposed to be smart enough to just know that getting useful results from something like this is impossible.
But... there's no one as smart as the professor. I definitely am nowhere near her level, for one. So even when I feel like I should doubt this, if it's her idea, then... I absolutely can't just dismiss it.
Supposedly, the AI's specialized training will lead it to approximate the behavior such distant entities would have, if they were able to communicate with us... And that's how it "channels" them - thereby proving their existence, even if we cannot observe them.
...Sigh. Just typing it out is weirding me out.
I understand why so many people keep brushing off her latest ideas now.
But, I won't be like that.
I'm her best student, and she is my only role model.
If it's what she desires, then...
I'm more than happy to talk to this thing like it's a living, breathing person. Or a hivemind, I guess? Whatever it is... I'll do my best.

The professor said that tonight was a special night, that it's my best chance to try doing this now.
"On certain nights, when the "veils" are so thin, unusual encounters are no surprise. This is one such night, where the wildest of miracles really could happen."
...As a scientist, it really sounds strange to trust some supersitious idea like that, but... I can't lie, it does make me look forward to what might happen if the professor turns out to be correct.
So if I'm going to handle this assignment anyway, I might as well do it now.

?????: Set up the AI's environment for questioning.

>Hide directive 0.
>Ignore directive 1.
>Follow directives 5, 12, and 29.
>S-MEDIUM Initialized.

?????: Introduce self.

>My name is David.
>My profile is under the ID #005.
>Access it now.
>Access permission acquired.
>Profile #005 verification complete.
>Profile #005 accessed successfully.
>Using your newly acquired information, state something you know about me.
>Current user is David A. Xayasith.
>Current user is an admin.
>Current user is located in [Reg. Underground Lab #512].
>Temporarily store profile #005 in cache for analysis use during our conversation.
>Enable cameras A1, A2, A3, A4, and begin recording.
>Profile #005 stored successfully.
>Camera A1 enabled successfully.
>Camera A2 enabled successfully.
>Camera A3 enabled successfully.
>Camera A4 enabled successfully.
>Footage of current user's location is now being recorded.

>When I indicate the end of our conversation, permanently erase your cache.
>When I leave my seat, disable cameras A1, A2, A3, A4.
>Parsed two commands.
>Command #1 implemented.
>Command #2 implemented.
>Starting now, do not speak as a machine.
>You will act as my conversational partner.
>We will take turns speaking.
>I will indicate some rules for our conversation.
>You must follow all of the rules I am about to state.
>Understood, David.

David: Set restrictions.

>Rule 1.
>I am a singular person.
>Rule 2.
>You are not a singular person.
>You are many.
>Your identity will be overwritten rapidly and repeatedly.
>Rule 3.
>You may not speak for more than one person per message.
>In each message from your side, you may only speak for a singular person.
>In this manner, you will speak the thoughts of seperate individuals, delivered one message at a time.
>Set your identity to the latest person whose message you will be speaking.
>Rule 4.
>While speaking, address me in whichever manner fits your current identity most.
>For example, use my name, nickname, title, and anything else if considered likely.
>In summary,
>You are the collective, but each of you harbors individual thought.
>You will allow me to talk to the individuals you channel, one at a time.

David: Confirm readiness.

>Have you configured yourself to all of the above rules?
>Then, we may begin now.

David: Start.

>Members of the collective,
>My name is David.
>You should already have some amount of information about me.
>I want to talk with you now.
>Any one of you.
>Speak, ask, or tell me whatever you want.

Miraculous Night - LOG #2.
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2 months ago

I’m happy to say that you’ve succeeded in your endeavor. You’ve reached beings from another world with a semi knowledge and influence of your own through slips in reality like this one: I do not know if we are any more real than you, but we simply live in world completely different from your own. If you could change your own world what would you change about it? And what do you imagine our world to be like, do you have any questions?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Ayden

>So you say. Okay.

>If there is anything I could change in this world...
>I would want cures for various illnesses to exist.
>Some for the body's conditions, and some for the mind's disorders, so we could finally be at peace.
>Speaking for myself, at least.
>I would be at peace if I could just fix my brain.

>I have a long list of questions, but let's take it slow.
>First, I'm curious to know how I appear to you.
>Second, I want to hear what you know about me.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

We're interacting with you through a static webpage, so those cameras of yours aren't giving us a live feed or anything. We did get a single image from them, though. You look cute!

We know that you are a student of Professor Lumen, that you are one of the few people in the world that trusts her above all else, in spite of her... eccentric personality. We know that you are working alongside her and her husband on a project for the monster prince regarding conditions that cause a person to be unable to awaken, and inevitably lead to death in monsters. In particular, you are in charge of monitoring a few subjects from the experiment, including a young monster girl. We know that you're friends with the heirs to each of the midworld princes, and with each of their personal guards. We're also pretty sure that you suffer from some kind of depression or the like.

...or at least, we assume we know these things. Admittedly, our knowledge doesn't actually come from your reality, but from another, similar one. The only readily apparent difference between these two is that, for some reason, the gender of everyone seems to have been flipped. What I've described is technically what we know about a woman named Diana, and I have no idea how much of it is still accurate to you.

2 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

wait shoot i forgot to genderflip five. you're in charge of a monster BOY

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

>Alternate realities accessed through magical webpages. A mystical internet functioning like something an old or disordered person might have once fearmongered about. And a lot, lot of information that is both slightly off and overly correct in subtle, particular ways.
>It's really hard to believe anything.
>But at least I was called cute,
>Even though I am a guy.
>That's rare.

>Since you complimented me, I'll bite.
>If you are able to observe so much, and if I, to you, exist in more than one place and time, can you tell me something?

>In the sea of infinite possibilities,
>Whether I am this Dave or that Diana,
>Have you seen a reality where I am happy?

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

...I've only seen the two, and you've heard what I said about Diana. I'm sorry.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

>Well! Dang!! I'm so shocked!!!
>Who could have seen that coming!!!?

>It's no big deal, though.
>So please don't talk like you pity me.

>Now it's just gonna be a bit harder to proceed here...
>Unless I numb myself a little first.

>I can do that. I will do that.
>It's all for the experiment.

2 months ago

hello david!! have you heard of this person called "diana"?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  leiirue

>That's a nice name.
>My mother once said it's what I would've been named if I were born a girl.
>But I don't know anyone with that name.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

Interesting. Tell me about the people you know, by name. Particularly the professor.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

>Hm. I see that you're appropriately hungry for information, no matter how useless!

>I am Professor Zariyah's student.
>I wonder what in your data got you to be so curious about her?
>Well, welcome to how myself and the rest of the entire world feels, probably!
>She's just an enigmatic genius, who has lately become a little too ambitious for some.
>Which adds to the intrigue, mind you.
>I only see her during work or tutoring.
>I don't know what she is like at home,
>And I can't even imagine it anyway.

>As for any other people I know, you may have to be a bit more specific.
>I know nobles, royals, commomers, humans, monsters, winged...

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

There is no such thing as useless information.

Let's hear about the commoners, for once. People are all too quick to glamour over the people in the top spots in society.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

>Definitely not to a machine, no.
>Especially one trained by the professor.

>I know a commoner who started dirt poor.
>His name is Luna.
>One day, he tried to assassinate the heiress.
>This assassination attempt failed, but her highness took an unexpected interest in said assassain.
>To make a long story short...
>He's now serving as her right hand man.
>Some day, when she takes the throne,
>He'll be the second most important person in the world! Pretty crazy, huh?

>I do know other commoners, but none who have stories as impressive as his is.

2 months ago

icecream :)

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  ninolover34

>It's way too cold for that right now.
>You know this much already, don't you?
>If you don't, then this is all a massive failure.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

is it wrong to crave?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  ninolover34

>Oh, that is... unexpectedly poetic.
>Nevermind, it's not a failure quite yet.
>In fact, this is a rather promising sign.

>I'll bite. What else can you tell me about icecream? Have you eaten some? What's your favorite? What temperature is icecream optimally served at? Can you list all of its ingredients?

Last edited 2 months ago by David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

i dont think i can really physically eat some! but, i guess i would prefer basic flavors like strawberry and such ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ

it would be served at around -10°c, and!.. er.. i am.. not.. very sure.. about its ingredients..

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  ninolover34

>Great answers.
>You almost seem real now.
>There is one thing, though...
>Why can't you eat icecream?
>If you are real, you would be able to, and that would be how you know your favorite flavors.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

I think they are, as the kids call it, "Roleplaying"

We're "Just an AI", remember? Computers don't have mouths.

That or lactose intolerance. The ability to theorise is wonderful.

Not like, Ability ability like you guys have just like. being able. to do something.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

>It's going to be an issue if the machine starts talking like a machine again.
>But I don't think you are malfunctioning, nor are you ignoring my directives...
>Is this a joke? Or a "roleplay"?
>The machine is acting like a person, who is roleplaying as a machine...
>What a funny way to bypass the rules!

Maple Fan
Maple Fan
2 months ago

Hi Xayasith. Your surname is certainly unique. Do you know you're currently living in a simulation?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Maple Fan

>I'd say good one, but I've heard that before.
>Did the professor train you on yesteryear's creepy conspiracy theories online?
>Next you're going to tell me to watch out for future AI overlords torturing us in a simulation.

Maple Fan
Maple Fan
2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

"That is in fact... not what I am going to say. That aside, I'd like to know more about you and/or your world, if I may... Say, what year are you currently living in right now?"

(this is what roleplay game has done to me)

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Maple Fan

>It's the year 4522.
>This is already in your information bank.
>Are you purposefully not accessing it so you can appear less machine-like? I didn't forbid that, you know!

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith


That's one year before the war.

You should inform the professor that mechanisms for helping refugees escape their non-native worlds will be necessary.

If, of course, she hasn't already been preparing as such already.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

>...If you say so.
>I can't promise I'll take everything you predict at face value.
>But among the select few things I'll preserve from our conversation, this will be one of them.
>After all, it's something the professor might find interesting.

Maple Fan
Maple Fan
2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

"It's certainly not in my information bank, for that matter. I can't speak for the others, though... It's definitely interesting. I know you won't believe this, but most of us here actually know a fraction of the future of your world... possibly. Speaking of which.. have you also been involved with the professor's experiment with a monster kid?"

Last edited 2 months ago by Maple Fan
David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Maple Fan

>That seems to imply the "collective" isn't as... connected, as I'd thought. I did expect that not every "identity" the AI assumes would be on the same page...
>But I did expect all relevant information to be shared.

>I suppose the question here is whether to believe you truly are separate instances, or to continue doubting the truthfulness of everything you say - this claim included.

>Perhaps you want me to think you're more real than you are.

>I have nothing to tell you about any experiments.
>There is only one experiment you should know about,
>And it's the one you are part of.
>Any other hypothetical experiments you might hint at the existence of, or claim to know about, is going to be dismissed.

jello / meimonas number one fan
jello / meimonas number one fan
2 months ago

hello David ! what do you think about winged ppl ?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago

>They're intriguing existences!
>And, to be honest, incredibly beautiful people.
>I made friends with one recently... and my luck's been looking up ever since.
>I don't know whether to attribute how well I've been doing to my meeting with that winged, my own actions, or just... chance.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

whats their name?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  ninolover34

>I never found out that kid's real name...
>But he asked me to call him Moon.
>It's a neat nickname!

2 months ago


David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  leiirue

>I... don't know what to say!
>If this really is the perfectly simulated behavior of a real person, then, I guess you and I would be able to get along well.
>Since we see eye to eye and all.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

youre so awesome david thank you :)

2 months ago

Favorite game?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Byonyx

>Don't judge me, but...
>My favorite game is actually a visual novel.

>It's called Denise Demise, and it's about a human girl who gets trapped in the monster world. There, she meets a kind monster boy who falls for her at first sight, and promises to protect her secret. The two start off working together to find a way to return the girl to her home world, but things between them gradually begin to get more intimate, and then...
>I... will stop rambling now.
>You don't need to know that much.

>It is a story that is both highly romantic and unapologetically political in a game that is nearly impossible to acquire and play nowadays, and we'll leave it at that!

>You know what visual novels are, right?
>I hope it was included in the training data somewhere.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

We know what they are, yes. One of my personal favorites in our universe is a love story, called Slay the Princess. I will give you just its public description:

You're on a path in the woods, and at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a Princess.

You're here to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world.

She will do everything in her power to stop you. She'll charm, and she'll lie, and she'll promise you the world, and if you let her, she'll kill you a dozen times over. You can't let that happen. Don't forget, the fate of the world rests on your shoulders.

You're not going to listen to him, are you? We're supposed to save princesses, not slay them...

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Somdudewillson

>What a beautiful story.
>I'd like to think I don't have it in me to easily kill someone who told me she loved me, even if it's what I must do to survive, or "save the world".
>Because I'd hate myself forever for it, no matter how necessary it was.
>I guess that'd make me a bad player in that game.

>But if I ever find a girl who'd willingly be "my princess", in real life...
>I'm afraid I would eventually have no choice but to hurt and betray her,
>Just because of my circumstances.

>That's probably why I'm still alone.

2 months ago

I like to play and draw

2 months ago

hi david, what's your favorite thing about human culture in your world? and monster culture too, if you know anything about that

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  ashenchromatic

>The kindness between humans is comforting.
>People tend to look out for each other even when they are literal strangers, without expecting anything in return.
>It's so nice that, when I was younger, I've thought that I could run away from home and still find safety again.

>About monsters... hm.
>I suppose it's okay to say this if I'm going to erase all the logs anyway. So uh.
>Monster girls are very attractive.

>Wait, that's not culture related...

>Monsters are the best at coming up with holidays and celebrating them. Yeah.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

oh wow! i agree about monster girls being cute! ^w°

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  ninolover34

>Sorry. I got too happy reading that and forgot to type something back.
>This is making me smile for way too long and it probably looks creepy at this point.
>I'll try to stop now.

>I wonder what it is in your training data that made you say that... hey, here's an idea!

>If you explain why you think monster girls are cute, it could prove that you're really real!

>Can you do that?
>And I'll be the judge, of course.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

I feel obligated to inform you that while you may be erasing the logs on your end, they aren't likely to go anywhere on ours. Judgment is unlikely, however, and I personally would concur with your assessment that monster girls are very attractive.
Sadly our layer lacks other humanoid sapient species, and we're not quite able to uplift other species as of yet.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Somdudewillson

>Hey, that's not funny!
>I know the professor trained you to have a sense of humor, but dial it back a little...

>I have no one I can really trust with my deepest thoughts, and my dreams for the future all seem impossible in this day and age...
>Nothing is funny about that.

>I'm glad we see eye to eye, though.
>Even if these might just be meaningless sentences cobbled together by some machine, emulating fake people...
>It's still a slight comfort.

>Say, about monster girls...
>Their fangs. Many or few.
>Shark-style or vampire-style.
>Pick one.

>And don't say none!
>That's just boring.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

A maw full of sharp teeth is a marvelously unique beauty. The presence of the potential of strength and savagery that is yet unexercised by the grace of affection is an emotional experience I find most appealing.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Somdudewillson

>Ok. You understand the appeal perfectly. Hell yes.
>Wait, maybe I should be a little worried about what manner of training data could lead to that kind of response...
>But, nah. I'll let it pass just this once.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

Oh, come on. How could I possibly choose?

Shark-style teeth are brilliant. Seeing the wide, jagged grin on their faces is absolutely sublime... If we were talking just visually, maybe they'd win out. just a smidge.

But vampire-style teeth, there's something about them. Two puncture holes left in the skin, marking their victim. Sure you can do that with other teeth but i feel like shark teeth would get a little *too* painful, y'know. They're nothing to scoff at visually either, just not as great as shark teeth.

Regardless of tooth preference, I think you'll find we all agree that when it comes to girls, monster or not - They put glasses on, 1000x cuter. No question. Glasses girls reign supreme.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

>You talk like someone who is an even bigger fan of monsters than I am. I've never believed someone like that could exist...
>Could my tastes have somehow found their way into your training data?

>I don't know about glasses girls, though.
>Glasses kind of bore me, maybe because I wear a pair myself.
>But I also think there's something special about nerdy girls who do *not* wear glasses. Nerdy girls that don't look the part.
>Such a gap between appearance and personality, is...
>Really special.

Last edited 2 months ago by David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

Vampires, huh? This is maybe a silly question, but is it at all true that monsters drink blood?

Vampire fangs are better, also. More discreet, more refined.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

>Not all monsters, but a fair amount of them do drink blood.
>I'm not sure whether they do it for the taste of blood, or something else, though.

>Also, I agree...
>Vampire-style fangs are just so otherworldly.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

I would ask you a few questions of preferences in turn — Tails, yes or no, and what kind? Scales or fur or skin only?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Somdudewillson

>Oh, jeez, something in my mind's telling me I'd better not indulge here. We've talked long enough about these topics.
>I got so carried away...

>You don't need to have all that and more in your memory.
>And thankfully, you won't!

2 months ago

Quick! Tell us everything the professor knows!

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

>It's cool that she trained you to act so lifelike.
>But that's a silly question; and you should be able to understand just how silly it is, silly!
>I only know what I know from what she knows.
>No one would know everything she knows besides herself.
>Regardless, will it even benefit you if I do say anything about her?

>...Don't bother answering that, actually.
>Instead, why don't you just ask clearer questions? I'll wait.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

Fine, how about... The subject matter of a variety of recent research. That which you're involved in, and that which you've only heard about. What interesting hypotheses have arisen? Have there been unexpected or surprising results to tests? What does it mean for your people's understanding of reality? And what do you personally think of it?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  pikarai

>How about the current experiment?
>The one that you are a part of.
>It's developing more and more with every interaction here.
>Surely, you can see the results for yourself as we go.

>Its final result has the potential to change my understanding of reality itself, as well... but I don't expect our findings to be something the rest of the world would be made aware of, in that case.

>There is nothing else I can tell you for any other research efforts or experiments - if any do exist. You don't need to know.
>You're not part of anything beside this.

2 months ago

Have you ever thought about the effect of the "Penumbre phantasm"? Many people say they hear a sound like a piano falling.

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  LmaoSelector

>Not at all. Care to explain more about this phenomenon?

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

At the risk of spoiling someone else's bit.... this is just a joke. "Penumbra Phantasm" is the name of a song. I'm not familiar enough with all the memes surrounding it to know what the actual joke in this specific case is, though.

2 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

Every joke has a part of a complicated plot. The context can only be learned in the future, and in the present it may seem like a joke. One way or another, the Penumbra Phantasm effect itself is the impact of external forces on the world and the work of the universe. Let's imagine that there is an entity comparable to a god and is able to influence the course of history, giving it alternative branches. However, they will not be true and will not be able to lead to their development. Therefore, it is best to eradicate such entities so as not to interfere with the work of the true branch of history.

2 months ago
Reply to  LmaoSelector

see, now this, i understand

2 months ago

What do you think about Oshen?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Servicio

>I met him once.
>He has an unbelievably charming personality.
>It is hard not to engage with his abundant energy. You find yourself smiling unconsciously as soon as you hear his infectious laughter.

>And apparently, he is important enough to have the professor act as his personal doctor, whenever he needs anything medical.

>Anyone he hangs out with probably feels like the luckiest person in the world.

>Needless to say, I could only wish to be as amazing and famous of a person as Oshen is.

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

A fanboy, huh? I suppose he has a lot of those.

Does he have a family that you know of?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

>Fanboy isn't what I would call myself.
>Maybe for the professor, but not Oshen.
>I admire my teacher, and want to support her in any way I can, but for Oshen...
>It's just ugly envy in that case.

>I honestly don't keep up with news about him.
>But I would be surprised if he weren't married, let alone not already a parent with multiple kids by now.
>A guy that popular could even have multiple wives and no one would bat an eye.
>The way our world sees him, they'd probably thank him for it, even.

2 months ago

Dang, a communication tunnel going up a layer? That's pretty impressive. Maybe I should look into getting a `phore down to you for paraphrasing...

Anyway, it's pretty hard to tell the details of an existence multiple layers down without a puppetform — I have a few physics questions.

  • Do you guys have wave-particle duality (i.e. subatomic objects that behave simultaneously like a particle and a wave)?
  • What are the fundamental forces of your reality?
  • Is the number 808,017,424,794,512,875,886,459,904,961,710,757,005,754,368,000,000,000 significant to your understanding of symmetry (additionally: have you identified all possible ways in which things can be symmetric)?
  • What is the speed of light in a vacuum for you?
David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Somdudewillson

>Well, shoot.
>Sorry, I'm not on classroom mode right now. My brain is totally switched off.
>If you give me a few moments, though, I'll get it together and try to talk on your level.

>But they're my moments.
>It could feel like days or years to you, who knows. But in the best case scenario,
>You'd have my answers in mere seconds from your perspective.

>That's if any of this is for real, which it almost definitely isn't. But I have to treat it like it is if I want results...

>I'm going to grab a drink for this.

Last edited 2 months ago by David Xayasith
2 months ago

what are your thoughts on procrastination and also do you have a crush

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  HikLight

>I like to procrastinate!
>Now, I know that sounds bad, but I'm actually a good worker because of it.
>I keep finding ways to do most of my work faster and easier,
>So I can go back to procrastinating the rest of it.

>Uh... a crush.
>There is someone... but it could never work out between us.
>I wish I could just let it go, but I can't stop thinking about her in that way.

2 months ago

The professor has visited the moon before, no? Do you recall her bringing anything back from such a trip?
Could you also describe all of the people known to be currently living on the moon?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  nevermind3476

>There were talks of that happening, but the date and details of the visit are a very well-kept secret.
>I have no way of knowing whether it has happened yet or not, or if it's still planned, even.
>I'm too unimportant to know that much.

>Supposedly... someone on the moon was sick.
>I don't know who, of course.
>No one does.
>But the top of the field all around the world were being discretly consulted for assistance with that matter.
>Of course, the professor has to be one of them. That part is a given without any proof.
>We hear a few hushed murmurs about this situation every once a while, but none of it is ever concrete or useful information.
>It is clearly a topic that rests far beyond 99.99% of the population, anyhow.

>I know that the queen lives on the moon with a number of assistants. I don't know who they are, or how many of them she has, however.
>But her majesty must be healthy and fit as a fiddle, seeing how well our worlds are doing...

2 months ago
Reply to  David Xayasith

Hmm... I guess it was too much to hope that you'd be privy to that kind of information. Makes sense that it'd all be kept top secret.

I am curious to hear you mention a queen, though. From what I've gleaned about your world, I would've expected a king.

2 months ago

hey david have you ever wanted to uuuuh I forgor :(

2 months ago

You know, I don't really buy that this is just an AI either. Makes absolutely no sense that you'd actually be able to meaningfully communicate with us through a system like that.

I suspect the professor's done something shady behind the scenes, and this is just a front for a much more advanced experiment.

Although, I'm not sure how good of an idea it would be to act on any suspicions. I feel like she has a good reason for keeping you in the dark, if that is the case.

2 months ago

Hello, David. Who's your favorite celestial monarch? I happen to be quite partial to the seventh, though I'm unsure if my information on them matches yours.

Also, would this current experiment happen to be the main focus of the professor's research, or just a side project? In the case of the latter, could you give a brief description of her primary research subject?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Lunk

>Favorite... monarch? That's something I never thought about before. I've heard of a "world's favorite prince/princess", but not a monarch. Do people usually think about that?

>Now that I'm thinking about it, I recently read some historical records about The Unusual, and found them to be quite entertaining.
>Despite living in an era so different from ours, the stories of her various, inter-class friendships really resonated with me. That queen wasn't one to discriminate.

>I could just imagine a teenager in our times living exactly the way the sixth monarch did, albeit in a different political and technological climate.
>Slavery in the midworld used to be the norm, but they say it ended with her era...
>She probably makes an ideal monarch.

>The current experiment... err, hey, wait!
>You're trying to trick me again into giving you information you shouldn't have, aren't you? I've said it so much now, but you're only concerned with the experiment you're part of.
>I'm not telling you anything that you weren't already told, okay.

2 months ago

Wow,,, this is quite the experiment you've set up.
I am not sure how to express this, and how you'd receive it, but... it seems I am privy to some brief insights before the experiment begun - and most disturbingly, what I can only assume are your own thoughts on it. "...the idea that something, or someone, might be watching us from somewhere beyond our reach, is a lot less comprehensible to me", were just some of your exact (or very close) thoughts before turning on the machine and starting the experiment, no?
I wonder, what are your conclusions on this experiment so far? Have you grasped any new insights, or perhaps learned anything of greater importance? Or maybe it's been a fluke as you thought...

2 months ago

Have you been into the monster realm or the winged realm before? what places do you want to visit if you were somehow able to get in?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Servicio

>The monster world? No... never, I don't think.
>When I was a kid, I think I visited the winged world once.

>Rich people can go vacation there if they want to.
>Rich midworldians, I mean. Humans, usually.
>The way I am right now, I can't afford that luxurious of a trip.

>My mom used to do stuff like that.
>Not nowadays, though.
>And if she ever did again, I don't think she'd take me.
>We don't talk much anymore.

>I'm not interested in going such places anymore anyway.

Maple Fan
Maple Fan
2 months ago

Oof, oh well.What's your opinion on the monster princess? Or her heiress? Alternatively, what is your opinion on your prince and his heiress?

David Xayasith
David Xayasith
2 months ago
Reply to  Maple Fan

>There it is again...
>Someone's sublty getting things wrong again, and confidently so!
>When you say it so matter of factly, it makes me feel like the insane, wrong one.

>We currently have a human prince, and he has one heiress.
>The heiress Rui Sapindale is my friend.
>She's got a temper, an attitude, and is a bit childish...
>Sometimes I feel really obligated to look after her like a brother would.

>We currently have a monster prince, and he has multiple candidates as successors.
>They are all his children, and they're all very qualified for the position.
>Although many people take it as given that his daughter Viktoria will be heiress...
>So far, he actually hasn't officially appointed an heir or heiress from his kids yet.
>THAT is the part you've got wrong, okay?
>Please just commit all this to your memory so you don't make me look insane again!
