- Corona: AYOOO-
- Corona: SUP your highness, pardon the intrusion.
- Corona: I'm done, I AM SO done.
- Suvillan: Pardon granted.
- Suvillan: Everything alright?
- Corona: Pshh, I mean, strictly speaking, yeah.
- Corona: But not for me though! They stepped all over my fragile feelings!
- Corona: Like- Imagine, IMAGINE,
- Corona: I told them "let's hang out again" and what do they say??
- Corona: They said basically a fat "NO"! To this face!
- Corona: I'm so fuckin' pissed!
- Suvillan: Oh, how brazen!

- Corona: Can you like, make refusing to hang out with me a federal offense?
- Suvillan: Your word is law, Corona,
- Suvillan: So technically, it already is.
- Corona: Sweet.
- Corona: I'm gonna put those goons in friend-jail next time THIS happens!
- Corona: Tori's all like "LEAVE ME ALOOOONE I GOT WORK",
- Corona: And Solis is all like "Leave me alooone I got work" but less shouty.
- Corona: As if I buy that age old excuse, pssh.
- Corona: I miss the old days. {}:(
- Suvillan: Well, for this once, it might be a good thing that they refused.
- Suvillan: I need you for something today, again.
- Suvillan: I would've called you back from any plans you'd have made with them.
- Corona: Oh, what? There's more work?
- Corona: You mean I can't just sit around looking cool for the rest of the day?
- Suvillan: I mean exactly that.
- Corona: Woe is me! What's up, humans again?
- Suvillan: Somewhat, actually.
- Corona: Jeez, can't go two steps without fumbling on human butt today! What gives...
- Suvillan: It's concerning the earlier disturbances I felt.
- Suvillan: Someone, or something, is acting weirdly with the rifts.
- Suvillan: Though I considered it might just be a few stray cats, now I doubt the fact.
- Corona: Whaddya mean?
- Suvillan: I mean that we can't be too careless, Corona.

- Suvillan: It could be that they figured out a way to breach through like we did.
- Suvillan: Which means another possible war to account for.
- Corona: Oh-! Jeez!
- Corona: But- but- but, breaching through how? That's unlikely!
- Corona: They don't have this, you know? This!
- Corona: This, me! They don't have me!
- Suvillan: I know, I know, you're special.
- Corona: Damn right! Nobody's done it before me!
- Suvillan: However, they have the upper hand when it comes to sheer resources, and scientific advancements.
- Suvillan: Who knows, maybe an invention to breach through the barrier is in the works.
- Suvillan: Knowing them, I doubt they'd sit around for three long years without trying to escape the cage.
- Corona: But... Ugh!
- Corona: I hate admitting that they're better in some areas than us.
- Corona: Damn race of nerds and their nerdy powers.

- Suvillan: It didn't go so well for us last time, even though we found multitudes of exploitable weak points.
- Suvillan: They survived all because we never accounted for the advantages they had over us.
- Corona: Well, we can account for them now, riiight??
- Suvillan: Sure can.
- Corona: We're totally fine then!
- Corona: I've got nooo problem getting an army and guards on standby!
- Corona: We just increase near-barrier defenses and wait for em,
- Corona: Just in case, yeah!
- Suvillan: Also viable.
- Suvillan: But that's not the direction to take this time.
- Suvillan: We're going on the offense.
- Corona: Wait- huh?

- Suvillan: You know how he is.
- Suvillan: The one I hate so much.
- Suvillan: He's probably thinking he can be stealthy about it,
- Suvillan: Surprise us, take us out from the core. Copying my previous tactics.
- Corona: Y-you sure? I don't know if it's wise to uhh...
- Corona: Well, let's just say that many of the royal guards have no actual experiences in real battles, y'know? All the fresh new babyfaced recruits?
- Corona: God I could just hug em to death! They think they're so tough.
- Suvillan: I'm aware. That's precisely why we can't be the ones waiting.
- Suvillan: We need the element of surprise.
- Suvillan: And like I said before, they're resourceful.
- Suvillan: Meaning that if they get time to prepare, we're done for again.
- Suvillan: That's why it has to be a quick job.
- Suvillan: And it'll depend on just us two.
- Corona: Wuh? Just us??
- Suvillan: Yes, yes!
- Suvillan: It's not hard to shake their whole world into chaos.
- Suvillan: A world is nothing without it's ruler.
- Suvillan: We just need to head straight to the source, then it's checkmate.
- Corona: Ooh... A stealth operation again, then?
- Corona: This time, I better be backing you up, though!!
- Suvillan: Of course.
- Suvillan: I'm sure I can count on you for opening a path again, right?
- Corona: Of course! You're talking to an angel of severance, duh!
- Corona: Well... What about the army, then?
- Suvillan: The army comes later.
- Suvillan: We're the main job, and the army is for clean up.
Five: Wake up!!